
Last comments Avient

16) The ring Avient | (0 | 0) | 17.08.2016 06:44

17) Paranoid Lost X 15 Avient | (1 | 0) | 02.08.2016 23:40

18) You Are So Fucked Avient | (1 | 0) | 19.05.2016 14:43
neko lover wrote:
For those who didn't notice - I fucked up the deadline, so feel free to put me on the last place for teh justice, and be careful with Baka Encoder: it ruins sync⇒deadlines⇒lifes.

that's why its' called baka encoder, its a fucking idiot

19) Snafu Too! Avient | (0 | 0) | 18.05.2016 22:35

20) Snafu Too! Avient | (0 | 0) | 18.05.2016 19:42
yaaaaa its here now

21) Vermilion-Purple Avient | (7 | 0) | 15.05.2016 17:40
I thought this video was just a nightmare when I saw it last night.

22) Vermilion-Purple Avient | (4 | 1) | 15.05.2016 09:14
this video actually hurts my eyes im not saying its ugly or anything but the way its flashing and moving so fast actually brings me pain

23) Feeble Avient | (2 | 1) | 14.05.2016 22:57
kebenaj wrote:
Так, надо бы что-то по клипу сказать.

Ну что мне сказать. В какой-то степени мило, но опять двадцать пять. Эту историю мы увидим ещё в сотне ближайших клипов, посему за неё хвалить не буду. (The clip is nice somehow, but the story is so banal for such anime source that it makes me sad.) В изначальном комментарии я возмущался словами об убийстве из уст Каё (Kayo), поскольку они «извращали суть каких-то идей тайтла в моём понимании», возмущался «люблю» из уст Сатору (Satoru)... но при пересмотре понял, что Каё здесь умирает. Претензии сняты.

Далее. Песня. Я не люблю эту песню. Она... пластмассовая. Не понимаю, почему такой выхолощенный, «незрелый» и «правильный» вокал считается красивым. Поэтому тут минус, вдаривший по общему восприятию на всех фронтах. (I don't like the song. It's too boring for me, mainly due to vocals. And that means a lot for the overall perception.)

Далее. Синхра. Она тут не такая трамвайная, какой могла бы быть. Тем не менее, синхра – вещь неуловимая. Покуда более «правильная» (как вокал в песне) она в Light'е воспринимается мягче, легче, приятней, более свободная здесь – не так впечатляет. И это засада. Видимо, дело в песне... и устройстве души автора. (Your sync is not bad overall. It's just your vision that makes it not so impressive for me. I like Light more, although the sync there is more questionable.)

А технику разбирать на конкретных таймингах ужасно скучно.
Но мне понравилась чёрно-белая цветокоррекция в начале. И в целом к цвету не много претензий. 00.14-00.21 – вот этот тускловатый стиль никогда не понимал (или понимал, но редко?..). Тухлятиной пахнет. 00.43-00.51 – тоже как-то... странновато. Эта муть ассоциируется с вещами совсем неэстетичными. И так далее. (I like CC at the beginning: it's very tasty. And I don't like CC at places like 00.14-00.21 and 00.43-00.51 – I associate it with some nasty, unaesthetic things )
«Люблю» беспонтовым шрифтом написано. (Your fonts are not bad overall, but the font of 'люблю' is horrible )
Вот эти фигурки, как на 24-й секунде, более пластмассовы, чем хотелось бы. (Human stylizations – like at 00.24 – are a bit too 'plastic'.)

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24) Feeble Avient | (3 | 1) | 14.05.2016 09:03
Don't forget that eazy ease

25) Girlfriend Avient | (5 | 1) | 13.05.2016 14:39
you need one

26) Oasis Avient | (0 | 0) | 12.05.2016 22:42
NicoKun wrote:

Sure i did, for your bday


27) Oasis Avient | (0 | 0) | 12.05.2016 21:31
NicoKun wrote:

you texted me?

28) Oasis Avient | (0 | 0) | 12.05.2016 14:47
NicoKun wrote:

Yes you're trash

i am triggered!

29) Oasis Avient | (6 | 1) | 12.05.2016 13:30
Mystyk wrote:
It's really nice that you had a concept, but an amv about walking for 3 whole minutes is kind of boring. It looks like you didn't have enough scenes so you didn't synch as much as you should have. I mean, you don't have to synch every single time, but you could have made it a little bit faster during the chorus, for example the scene at 1:06 is too long, and also, the places where you actually synched are kind of random in my opinion.

The fx around 1:20 looked quite out of place.

The masks could have been improved, since the whole AMV has masks, and that's like the main part of it, you could have paid more attention to them. For example this:
Look at the legs (and the whole mask). They are too bright, it's not blending with the background.

Also the scenes at around 1:54-1:55 didn't fit the mood, they were too "funny".

Maybe having more animes would have done a little good, so more characters looking for answers, even if you use more animes with similar scenes, it will still make sense (if you do it the right way). But like this, it lacks flow in my opinion.

Some scenes could have had some panning and the transitions could have been smoother (1:49).

Overall nice concept, but I think the outcome could have been improved.

Maybe he's telling us to take a walk cause were all weeaboo trash sitting inside all day editing Chinese cartoons!!!!

30) Blunderbuss Avient | (0 | 0) | 11.05.2016 11:05
Chines cart00onz

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