
Exam videos
New videos Trinity Saturday, 27 February 2021

Contest video of AKROSS Con 2020

Author's comment:
Hi everyone!
First time joining Akross contest I have been working on this video for a while and thanks for everybody who was pushing me to finish it!
please let me know what you think? enjoy ~

Author: Squardz
Anime: Toaru Majutsu no Index, Toaru Kagaku no Railgun, Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator
Music: KSUKE - Contradiction (feat. Tyler Carter)



New videos Confrontation Friday, 26 February 2021

Contest video of AKROSS Con 2020

Author's comment:
Что же... вот и дошли руки и до трейлера. Делала в оригинальной японской озвучке, так как считаю, что раз трейлер - то и соответствовать оригиналу надо. Старалась без спойлеров, но думаю история Шерлока и Мориарти многим известна и краткое описание истории не нужно давать. После этого клипа сделала вывод для себя - трейлер, это когда звуковых дорожек и работы со звуком в разы больше чем работа с кадрами) Приятного просмотра.

Author: Ellafaessa
Anime: Yuukoku no Moriarty
Music: Samuel Kim - Für Elise (Epic Version)
Awards: Лучший трейлер на AKROSS Con 2020



New videos Snake Thursday, 25 February 2021

Contest video of AKROSS Con 2020

Author's comment:

a focus on nadeko's long running snake problem
from girl to gorgon

Author: UnluckyArtist
Anime: Otorimonogatari, Bakemonogatari, Nisemonogatari, Koimonogatari, Owarimonogatari, Zoku Owarimonogatari, League of Legends
Music: Halflives - Snake
Awards: Лучшая психоделика на AKROSS Con 2020



New videos Aviator Wednesday, 24 February 2021

Contest video of AKROSS Con 2020

Author's comment:
This is my Akross Con Project Aviator, I'm very happy to have finished on time, editing Aviator was really good experience for me and I hope you can enjoy it.
This is a sentimental work with a story that moved me, the video its probably a bit long but I let myself get carried.

Author: FT
Anime: Kaze Tachinu, Spirited Away, Howl's Moving Castle
Music: Of Monsters and Men - Crystals
Awards: 2 место и Лучшая романтика на AKROSS Con 2020



New videos Demontage Tuesday, 23 February 2021

Contest video of AKROSS Con 2020

23-ое место.

Плохой (по) Хибике.
Выражаю благодарность `ZeRo за помощь в проекте и Чайный пьяница, Sowlonya, Darksss 73, RaZor, Rika Sudzuki за бетатест.

К клипу прилагаются английские и русские субтитры.
Я обычно не делаю мейкинг, но в данном конкретном случае, я использовал некоторые идеи от других клипов, поэтому прикрепляю это тоже (в альтернативной ссылке).

Author: okhostok
Anime: Hibike! Euphonium, Radiant, Happy Sugar Life, Angel Beats!, Guilty Crown, Nisekoi, Tonikaku Kawaii
Music: Braids - Happy When



New videos 暗香 Tuesday, 23 February 2021

This is my entry on WIE IC#3, it took me about 9 hours to edit it, scattered emotions, maybe some of you can resonate with it, I hope you like this one.
This is a very classic Chinese song with a lot of emotion.

Author: Wuyi
Anime: C3魔方少女,民调局异闻录,肆式青春,亚人,只有你不在的街道,秒速五厘米,狼的孩子雨和雪
Music: 沙宝亮 - 暗香



New videos Wrong World Monday, 22 February 2021

Contest video of AKROSS Con 2020

Author's comment:
It's my first time that I try a contest. It is really interesting to see my improvment in the last 10 months. This is my first own written story I tryed to create.
This Video represents our society that we are co-existing with our Smartphone and without that our world will dissapear.

Author: TForceProduction
Anime: Hyouka, Kimi na wa, SSSS.Gridman, Zankyou no Terror, Kotonoha no niwa, Sword Art Online, K-project, Noragami, The God of Highschool, Psycho-Pass, Tamako Love Story, Tokyo Ghoul, Naruto, Hello World, Kaze Tachinu, Persona 5, Boku No Hero Academia, 5 Centimeters per Second
Music: Kaskade ft. Ilsey - Disarm You (Illenium Remix)
Awards: Приз АКРОССа на AKROSS Con 2020

Wrong World


Contests Soul's Team Iron Chef 17 Promo Sunday, 21 February 2021

Let us remind you, that there's still some time left to join Soul's Team Iron Chef, the largest online contest of the kind! Registration is open till February 25th.

Rules in English and registration of teams 


New videos Pet Rebel Sunday, 21 February 2021

Contest video of AKROSS Con 2020

Пока мы находимся в очевидно выигрышной позиции, мы ищем любое основание, чтобы не допустить мысль, что мы существуем в ложном ощущении реальности, и только наше поражение способно поставить под вопрос подлинность нашего существования; но сама постановка этого вопроса не способна наделить бытие подлинностью, здесь важен разрыв логических связей, непоследовательность принимаемых решений и отказ от завершённости действий.

Author: Deviant
Anime: Mutafukaz
Music: Cypress Hill – Lightning Strikes, Cypress Hill – Boom Biddy Bye Bye, Holy Smoke – Highway star (Deep Purple cover)

Pet Rebel


New videos The Worst One Saturday, 20 February 2021

Contest video of AKROSS Con 2020

Author's comment:
Contempt, rejection, hatred and all negative feelings. Since I was born it is the only thing I have received. I was humiliated and mistreated, as if they wished I didn't exist. Maybe it's for the best though... I won't let myself be beaten, I won't give up. I will fight and continue forward, even if fate opposes it, I will cut it and break this curse that imprisons me. It doesn't matter if my family hates me, I have made allies, friends, brothers. Together with them I will reach the top and everyone will see that I am Ikki, the worst one who came to victory.

Author: WhiteRabbit
Anime: Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry
Music: 2WEI feat. Edda Hayes - Warriors
Awards: Лучшее действие и Лучшая презентация на AKROSS Con 2020

The Worst One


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