
Exam videos
Contests Voting of AMVNews: Mix Con 2015 Sunday, 27 September 2015


Now you've seen all contest videos of Mix Con 2015. Since the contest turned out to be rather small we'll pass the first round of voting and start with the procedure of the second round. There are 14 judges (Turbo, altermann, padre, XEnforcer,, NewOvermind, Uniquevil, maxximm, lokkiclu, Lion0608, Lady_MooN, Alina Vega, MatthewRoy, NutsAMVs) and 20 contest participants taking part in the voting. The voting is voluntary and ends October 1st, 20.00 (Moscow time).

Link for voting form can be found in "Authorization" block, right upper corner of the webpage. You can fill in the form, add and change anything as much as you want till the end of voting period. Contest participants do not see their own videos in the list and can't vote for them.

If you have any questions concerning voting procedure please contact site administrator via private message


New videos Johnny Saturday, 26 September 2015

И танцевали они долго и счастливо, и умерли в один день

Он хотел быть королем школы, любимцем девочек.
Хотел организовать собственную группу и собрать стадион.
Не сложилось у него. Что тут поделать?
Последний хлеб отобрали.

Author: nurikokourin
Anime: Space Dandy
Music: Marty McFly With The Starlighters - Johnny B. Goode



New videos Panic Station Thursday, 24 September 2015

Author's comment: My submission for the Connichi exclusive Amv Contest 2015 and NDK 2015.
Thanks to lolligerjoj for betatesting! I really like the Anime and when I first saw episode 1, I already started making plans for an amv. I think the Story might be hard to understand if you haven`t watched the show - I tried to capture the impressions the show gave me and I am very happy with the result.^^ I just hope I can convince some people to watch this awesome Anime! Enjoy~

Author: Kiriforce
Anime: Death Billiards, Death Parade
Music: Muse - Panic Station

Panic Station


New videos Shamans Curse Wednesday, 23 September 2015

This is quite a personal project, made for the exclusive AMV-Contest at Connichi 2015. After reading the respective source-materials of these two animes, I wanted to show this really convoluted story-mix between them. Therefore I think only people who know both sources will get the most enjoyment out of it. Nonetheless, I hope other people can have their share of fun with this Video too.

Author: ceddic
Anime: Tokyo Ravens, Ga-Rei Zero
Music: Within Temptation (feat. Xzibit) - And we Run

Shamans Curse


New videos Iron Sudden Death 4 Monday, 21 September 2015

Комментарий авторов: Yo, voila notre duo avec flow pour l'IC. Pas grand chose à dire dessus, assez fier du rendu final et de notre place. On a vraiment pris du plaisir à refaire un IC à deux, en espérant continuer ainsi. :)

Author: Akuzo, Flow
Anime: Mix
Music: Story of the Year - And the Hero Will Drown

Iron Sudden Death 4


New videos Mark Of The Samurai Sunday, 20 September 2015

В общем, всем привет! Это мой новый небольшой проект с моими друзьями, о самураях. Взялись около двух недель назад, старались и, как я считаю, результат вышел очень неплохим! Надеюсь, что вам понравится так же, как он понравился нам в целом, хоть и есть небольшие недочеты (ну а у кого их нет). Приятного просмотра!

Author: Vipper, zhulkatala, Fobos, Agito, L33TAMV, Nuts, ElevenPlayer
Anime: Sword of the Stranger, Katanagatari, Afro Samurai, Gintama, Samurai Champoo, Sengoku Basara, Kenshin OVA
Music: Tha Trickaz – Megaphone

Mark Of The Samurai


Contests Concerning AKROSS Con 2015 Saturday, 19 September 2015

It's that time of the year when we usually announce preparations period for another AKROSS Con, the oldest of russian online AMV contests. This year however, the situation is somewhat different.  It's very important for AKROSS administration to know whether anyone needs this year's contest at all, so it's quite possible that the fate of AKROSS Con 2015 is in your hands now. So if you have waited for AKROSS Con 2015, if you want it to be and want to be part of it - have your say in the thread of last year's contest.


New videos There Will Be Blood Saturday, 19 September 2015

Author's comment: Yes, I am back :) and as i announced on Facebook&G+ here is my Death Parade AMV. I hope you guys have been watchin the show? No... get the fuck on it then) And before you guys ask, yes! New intro song. I thought i might as well change things up every once in a while so there you go!

Author: amv4fun
Anime: Death Parade, Death Billiards
Music: Celldweller - Cry Little Sister vs. Hello Zepp (Saw) Klash-Up (amv4fun mix)

There Will Be Blood


Contests Конкурс AMV на фестивале Anime Factor Friday, 18 September 2015

Ежегодный аниме-фестиваль Anime Factor (г. Хабаровск) приглашает всех желающих принять участие в конкурсе AMV в рамках фестиваля. К участию допускаются клипы, ранее не участвовавшие в аналогичных конкурсах города Хабаровска и не занимавшие призовые места в аналогичных конкурсах фестивалей России. Клипы-призеры будут показаны на большом экране фестиваля. Заявки на конкурс подаются через форму сайта организаторов до 30 сентября 2015 года. После окончания срока подачи заявок в течение 10 дней (до 10 октября) допускается досылать материалы к уже поданным заявкам. 

Подробные правила конкурса на нашем форуме
Форма для заявок на сайте организаторов
Группа фестиваля Вконтакте


New videos Meteor Thursday, 17 September 2015

Author's comment: Yo, ça fait longtemps. Petit retour sur un solo au calme. Pour faire simple, Sephi m'a filé une zik, j'ai matté le film saint seiya, je me suis dit hey pas mal alors MDL m'a fait le cut et j'ai clipé le film. Je devait sortir ce clip y'a un moment déja mais trop de league of legends donc au final j'ai pas passé trop de temps dessus mais pris plus de temps pour le sortir. Un peu déçu d'avoir manqué de scènes sur la fin mais j'ai fini comme j'ai pu. Maintenant attaquons le clip JE.

Author: Akuzo
Anime: Saint Seiya Movie - Legend of Sanctuary
Music: Spoken - Through it All



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