Index > Drama
Delusionist 09.05.2016

Being the winner of Animefest 2016, Delusionist doesn't hold back its strengths - solid editing, good story, crossover without overdone blurring and glow covering its masks. A good, almost "classic" AMV that draws you in and doesn't let you out until you've watched it - a few times.

Аниме: Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Mawaru Penguindrum, Bakemonogatari, Tara Tari, Steins;Gate, Fate/Stay Night UBW, Hunter x Hunter
Музыка: Halsey - Gasoline
Награды: Animefest 2016 - Viewer's Choice Award & Best Drama/Romance, Winner of online vote


Comments: 11 |  Rating: 4.054.05
Author: DrPenguin

Break The Loop 09.05.2016

Hi! Honestly i haven't much to say about this video. I wanted to make an amv with one of my favorite anime, Steins Gate, so there it is. At times I thought I'd drop this video, for lack of inspiration and different problems, but I'm glad at least to be able to finish it and not giving up. I experienced different things into this, there are various technical mistakes of corse for my inexperience and in the end the result is not exactly what I had imagined, but I'm still satisfied overall. I tried to focus mainly on the protagonist, developing everything else around him, dumping more and more his despair and then be faced with a choice.
Anyway, i hope you guys enjoy my entry for Big Contest 2016!

Аниме: Steins Gate, Kara No Kyoukai, The Girl Who Jumped Through Time
Музыка: Poets Of The Fall - Carnival Of Rust

Break The Loop

Comments: 28 |  Rating: 3.603.60
Author: Cheis106

Reality be rent 08.05.2016

Лейтмотив данного клипа "уйти подальше от реальности". Мы попытались показать персонажа, который живет в узах повседневности, но в один момент всё резко поменялось. Повседневность изменяется, реальность перевоплощается.

Аниме: Hoshi wo Ou Kodomo (Ловцы забытых голосов)
Музыка: Daughter – Run (Alex Mind.remix)

Reality be rent

Comments: 11 |  Rating: 3.063.06
Author: Morsolina

Light 08.05.2016

Комментарий автора: My little tribute to Kayo Miyazuki, thanks for watching.

Аниме: Boku dake ga inai machi
Музыка: Maybeshewill - Asiatic


Comments: 23 |  Rating: 3.753.75
Author: xDieguitoAMV

The Revenger 08.05.2016

Yo, guys it’s been a while since the last time I edit an AMV, I have been editing this video for a long time but i was just too lazy to complete it faster and I also have something else to do.

About the video is just something simple, a guy kill the wife of someone and this person wants to have revenge from that. So he just started to kill until he finds the person who killed his wife.

By the way one of the main issue that I have to finish this video was my hard disk, I lost 2 hard disk before I complete it, I was just about to do it for Akross but my hard disk crashed, so I just recovered everything and I finish it as soon as I could before my hard dish crash again.

Enjoy it

Special to: Geingel, Reyzen Iron Team….

Аниме: Fate Zero, Kara no kyoukai, Death Note, Soul Eater, Akame ga Kill, Full Metal Brotherhood, Hellsing Ultimate, Blood C The Last Dark, Shigatsu wa kimi no uso
Музыка: 30 Seconds to Mars - Fallen

The Revenger

Comments: 24 |  Rating: 3.193.19
Author: CacoVenom

Flare 07.05.2016

Сидел я вечером и нашел в интернете сие изумительный трек и сразу вспомнил, что хотел пильнуть работку на FLCL(а героиня как раз курила, прямо счастье). Хотелось показать взаимоотношение героеев и показать некую альт стори.
Сюжет: есть пацан, есть девка. Она начала курить, а ему то такое не нрав(он же альфа тут). Пытается ее вразумить, а она его так отшивает типо смотри все норм, смотри щас кораблик как у Гендольфа пущу, а когда лень станет мол тогда и брошу. Ну они якобы расстались и он домой в соло пошел(стиль хиккана) и давай на гитарке брянкать. Подумал время то много, а шкуры на хате нету, мб грохнул кто? Испугался, что ипотеку не на кого записать и порвал ее искать. Она все там же стояла и курила. В это мгновение у них версус завязался и он офигел как сильно она по социальной лестнице в низ ушла, да и сама как нарик выглядит и бац в обморок падает. Дома очнулся от музла паленного и чет учуял, пошел рыскать, а эт девка курить начала. Он как через щель на нее пальнул глазом так она сразу сижку выронила и хату спалила. Стоят такие оба типо любовь к ним вернулась и не нужны ей уже сижки, только лишь бы он был рядом. И давай они дальше бомжевать вместе да добра наживать^^.
Пока делал проект думал бросить его пару раз, но на свою удачу я успел скинуть пару бетток одному человеку и этим человеком был 5c0rp10n. Сомелье скорп оценил сие творения и помог как с мотивацией так и с реализацией, чем я ему очень благодарен. Ну а бетта тесты были просто шикарными. Большое спасибо братан за такие дела!!!!^^.
Напечатал я уже слишком много и поэтому пора подходить к концу, надеюсь просмотренный клип не встанет у вас поперек горла и хоть чем нибудь да запомнится. Я буду очень рад, если кому то он придется по душе. Приятного просмотра ^^ .

Аниме: FLCL
Музыка: Princess Chelsea – The Cigarette Duet


Comments: 36 |  Rating: 4.004.00
Author: SteRD

Project 69 06.05.2016

Всем привет, здорова, хаюшки и тому подобное. В принципе ничего не добавлял в клип, из эффектов разве парочку масочных вспышек да цвет добавил, в остальном же - чистый монтаж, без особых крутых эффектов и масок.

Аниме: Metropolis.
Музыка: Petteri Sainio - Above All.


Comments: 13 |  Rating: 3.703.70
Author: Darksss 73

Lost in memories 06.05.2016

Sms43: First time actually edit crossover. try some just learned 3D technology, when pika ask me for this collab, is only ten days left, I don't know if I can finish it on time, but we did it in the end. When we started to edit this video, the first thought came to my mind was that besides the visual effects, we need to tell a good story. To be honest, we were so excited to decide our main story and bgm and we felt that this time we could do a great job XD Although due to limited time and experience, it did not reach to our ideal results, yet in all we are satisfied about it. ( my first part is somewhat bad haha).Hope you can insist on seeing the last, understand the whole story and be moved to the words.Thanks to my friend pikapika help me make some scene, and my friend works is a great thing. I m lucky I have a so good teammate > <.

PIKAPIKA:This is my first time edit crossover. I start this project a month ago and learned something during edit. I'm glad we can finish it on time.The inspiration for the story began with the manga Boku Dake ga inai Machi. And then I changed a lot to make it reasonable and more suitable for source. I try to set a suspense in the i use many flash back in my part. This is my third time choose hurts's song.I really enjoy editing with their song. Hope you can enjoy this amv.

Аниме: Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu,The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya, Kyoukai no Kanata, Kara no Kyoukai, Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso, Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae o Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai, Clannad, Steins;Gate, Boku Dake ga inai Machi, Kimi ni Todoke, Plastic Memories
Музыка: Hurts - Wonderwall

Lost in memories

Comments: 82 |  Rating: 3.653.65
Author: Sms43, PIKAPIKA

Lorem Ipsum 03.05.2016

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce non nisi blandit, tincidunt dui ut, facilisis diam. Suspendisse hendrerit tristique sagittis. Suspendisse eu libero quis arcu consectetur venenatis. Ut nec arcu hendrerit, hendrerit lorem vulputate, porta odio. Vestibulum semper ex metus, ac porta purus blandit sit amet. Phasellus commodo ultrices ornare. Integer leo arcu, tincidunt blandit sapien sed, gravida condimentum elit.

In placerat eget neque et interdum. Quisque eget porta nibh. Integer sed sem tellus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Aenean rhoncus erat in eleifend dictum. Proin iaculis cursus facilisis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Curabitur ac consectetur ipsum. Vivamus gravida at dolor sed blandit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec ac velit odio. Donec arcu tortor, scelerisque sit amet neque nec, venenatis commodo nisl. Vestibulum quis massa cursus, facilisis nulla et, lacinia nisl. Proin fringilla nibh justo, sit amet molestie eros luctus a. Phasellus consequat nunc et facilisis sagittis.

TL;DR I thought the song and the anime would go well together.

Картинка Making Of (~0.1 MB)

Аниме: Death Parade, Death Billiards
Музыка: Robert DeLong - Long Way Down

Lorem Ipsum

Comments: 58 |  Rating: 4.194.19
Author: Shin

Harvest Moon 02.05.2016

It's havest moon night and, it's time for the witches' ritual.
Tonight, the magic runs free.
Tonight, the lady of the harvest moon rises
Come witches, it's harvest moon!
Let's honor the ritual!
Bring your wands!
Cast some spells!
It's harvest moon!

Editor's words:
Hello guys! It's my first time joining Big Contest. I decided to join because of my friend Thales (ThalesEditions). When I decided to join I was like "What song should I use?", "What anime should I use?", "I don't have any ideas", but, this song came to my mind, Lua Cheia (Harvest Moon or Full Moon in English). It's a song about witches and is also a famous song in the Wicca's community in Brazil. I'm not part of the Wicca Religion, but I think that it's really interesting and this song has a special place in my heart. I love its melody and stuff.
So, since it was a song a song about witches, I was thinking about which would be the perfect anime? Then, Madoka Magica was the first one that came into my mind. I was considered using 'Little Witch Academia" but... this anime looks too funny and stuff and, I though that it wouldn't fit the song. Then, I started working with Madoka.
First of all, I started to compile the project in my mind while I was on the bus going to work or, going back home. And it helped me a lot.
But I'd never have finished this project without the help from Thales. He gave me bunches of tips and was a pretty good Beta Tester! I also received some help from my best friend Inês (Berry-chan). She gave me some ideas of scenes to use. And I got some help from Rin ^^ She also helped me a lot!
So, thank you guys for helping me out with this project! I'm really glad for making this video and for joining BC 2016 XD
I hope you guys enjoy it!

PS.: Since it's a Brazilian song, I have added subtitles in English, however, I don't speak Russian :/ If you speak Russian, feel free to translate the subtitles! :D

Аниме: Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica The Movie: Beginnings, Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica The Movie 2: Eternal, Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica The Movie 3: Rebellion
Музыка: Jan Duarte - Lua Cheia, The Birthday Massacre - To Die For

Harvest Moon

Comments: 16 |  Rating: 3.043.04
Author: xNagisaKun

Swivel 30.04.2016

This if a video I started about a month and a half ago, and put on hold for a while. Shin suggested I finish it up and enter Big Contest so I decided why not xP. The video was really experimental so hopefully it turned out fine xD.

Аниме: Bakemonogatari, Nisemonogatari, Monogatari Series: Second Season, Koyomimonogatari, Nekomonogatari: Kuro, Tsukimonogatari, Owarimonogatari, Hanamonogatari
Музыка: Ivy Levan - The Dame Says, Ivy Levan - No Good


Comments: 40 |  Rating: 3.973.97
Author: Xophilarus

Mounting Dread 28.04.2016

Комментарий автора: I love Wolf's Rain. It introduced me to anime outside of children's shows, and I just really wanted to make a video capturing the spirit of it. I found this show really emotionally traumatizing when I first watched it so I definitely wanted to explore the darker elements of the show in this video. I just really hope I did the show justice with this video xD

Аниме: Wolf's Rain
Музыка: Disturbed - Sound Of Silence

Mounting Dread

Comments: 16 |  Rating: 3.963.96
Author: Xophilarus

Endlessly 24.04.2016

Комментарий автора: Yooooooo!!! Bon voilà, nouveau clip perso hors IC ou contest depuis grave longtemps ! Donc c'est un clip drama/romance à la Left us Falling, ça fait longtemps que je voulais en refaire un mais j'avais zéro idée d'anime, et en ayant check Shigatsu j'me suis dis que j'pourrai faire un truc dans le style.

Аниме: Shigatsu wa kimi no uso
Музыка: The Cab - Endlessly


Comments: 13 |  Rating: 3.803.80
Author: Luciole

Indelible 24.04.2016

Hello everyone! This is the first one that I do participate in a contest. My first experience... x.x With this video I tried to tell the story of the anime, using the song. There are plenty of spoilers and I do not recommend watching the video to those who are sensitive to violent scenes, even on minors. It took me a long time to complete this video and are still very inexperienced. I hope to learn a lot!

Thanks with all my heart at AntaresHeart07 for valuable advice. Here you will find my humble channel: MMD and soon I will add the video link. Thank you all for your attention ^---^

Аниме: Higurashi no naku koro ni, Higurashi no naku koro ni Kai
Музыка: The Birthday Massacre - Blue


Comments: 18 |  Rating: 3.063.06
Author: My Mad Dreams

Sakura Album 23.04.2016

I really like the plot of White Album 2 (anime/galgame), so I hope that I'll make an AMV whose plot is similar to WA2, but use the characters of another anime. I guess most of you guys don't see WA2. So I'll tell you a summary of this AMV/WA2. Of course, if you have seen WA2, I believe you will understand what I want to express.
Two girls both love a boy, one of the girl write a love letter. the boy agree and they show their to another girl, another girl can't stand it, she quarrel with the boy. At last, she decide to go abroad. 5years later, the boy happened to go abroad and happened to meet...
P.S. WA2 is a triangle love story, but it is different from others. it doesn't have a bad ending, so I try to create one. I'm afraid most of yours don't understand the meaning of "TRUE LOVE", I try my best to make some tips in this AMV.
I try to use SVP to make the video smoother, but the effect is not very well, maybe it is a fault to do this
Hope you enjoy the story. Peace out~

Картинка Making Of (~7.47 MB)

Аниме: Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo, White Album, White Album 2(Anime&Galgame), ef-a tale of melodies, Fate/Zero, Kiniro Mosaic, Ro-Kyu-Bu!, K-ON!! the Movie, Sora no Method, Boku dake ga Inai Machi, Angel Beats!, Mawaru Penguindrum, Kyokai no Kanata, Golden Time, Nisekoi, Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru, Symphogear
Музыка: Ed Sheeran - Photograph

Sakura Album

Comments: 40 |  Rating: 3.253.25
Author: AISherry

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