Index > Drama
Blood Flowers 07.05.2015

Hey guys, this is my first time ever doing something like this so I'm a complete newbie but I put in quite a bit of effort to make it good. I hope you guys like it. Just some general editing with some effects of mish-mash that I found interesting in the anime. Thanks guys.

Аниме: Tokyo Ghoul, Tokyo Ghoul Root A
Музыка: Every Breath You Take - Chase Holfelder, Undiscovered Colors - The Flashbulb

Blood Flowers

Comments: 22 |  Rating: 2.442.44
Author: Alflex

Shattered Heaven 05.05.2015

Комментарий автора: Всем привет. Давно я уже ничего не делал, как обычно, не могу закончить большинство хороших проектов, поэтому решил сделать небольшой такой клипчик по своему любимому аниме. Сделал работу недели за 2, в целом я все-таки доволен результатом (все же я делал ее не на конкурс, а просто так), надеюсь и вам понравится результат того, что получилось в целом. Приятного просмотра!

Аниме: Bleach
Музыка: Our Last Night - Skyfall

Shattered Heaven

Comments: 26 |  Rating: 4.044.04
Author: Fobos

Only 05.05.2015

Ceci est la première fois que je participe à un concours d'AMV, je me suis beaucoup amusée et aussi beaucoup casser la tête à faire ce MMV, il m'a permis de m'améliorer sur le logiciel After Effect. Bon visionnement! :)

Аниме: Pandora Hearts
Музыка: ODESZA feat. Zyra - It's only


Comments: 27 |  Rating: 3.293.29
Author: Lynepo

Luminance 2 (ephemeral) 04.05.2015

The video follows mostly the time and progression of the narritive from the original Source. I just give it my touch so that my idea would go through. The basic idea is the same from my original video back in 2009 (I think), only this time the light is weak and fades at the end. It is kinda the opposite of my other one I wanted the complement the both types of light. I hope you enjoy this amv overall, I mainly focused on the mood and athmosphere that both the anime and the song can bring together. Thank you.

Аниме: Your Lie in April
Музыка: Seether - Careless Whisper

Luminance 2 (ephemeral)

Comments: 30 |  Rating: 3.843.84
Author: Ryukz82

Stand In The Rain 02.05.2015

Комментарий автора: Contest person hit me up, ask me if I was interested, right then and their I worked hard these last few days to finally complete this AMV, that was good motivation. So I'm of course going to say I think this is my best yet, which I think I did well on. There may be a few technical issues but I think this AMV is overall enjoyable.

Аниме: To Aru Kagaku no Railgun, Black Rock Shooter, The Pet Girl of Sakurasou, Ben-To, The World God Only Knows: Goddesses Arc, Angel Beats, The Ambition of Oda Nobuna, Bakemonogatari, Nisekoi, Haiyore! Nyaruko-san W, Hyouka, Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren, Hanasaku Iroha, Btooom!, Beyond The Boundary, Oreimo Season 2, Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica, MM!, Sword Art Online Season 2, Clannad After Story, Attack On Titan, Toradora, Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai!, Deadman Wonderland, One Piece:Episode of Nami, Sword Art Online, Black Bullet, Fairy Tail, Kotoura-san, One Week Friends, Guilty Crown, Magi: Labyrinth of Magic, Nerawareta Gakuen, Soul Eater, Fate/Zero Second Season, Ef: A Tale of Memories.
Музыка: Super Chick - Stand In The Rain

Multi-Anime AMV - Stand In The Rain

Comments: 9 |  Rating: 3.553.55
Author: knage

The Spirit written in the Soul 02.05.2015

Сколько уж увлекаюсь клиподелом, а к работе над более сложными технически проектами подойти никак не удосуживается. Поэтому, чтоб уж совсем не забывать о милом душе деле, продолжаю создавать то, что дарует настроение и дарует душевный комфорт уже в процессе самого создания. Незатейливое, неброское, самодостаточное, уютное.

Последний АКРОСС был мною пропущен, но я рад, что с BigContest'ом дело обстоит иначе, и я в очередной раз имею честь на нем поприсутствовать вместе с коллегами по цеху. Хочу пожелать всем удачи и впечатляющих премьер на конкурсе.

Клип посвящается черной и пушистой.

Аниме: Ookami Kodomo no Ame to Yuki
Музыка: Kanagawa Philharmonic Orchestra - The Gourmet Race

The Spirit written in the Soul

Comments: 15 |  Rating: 3.123.12
Author: Kimihairu

Solicitude 01.05.2015

Here's our submission for Viral Team's Inferno Zero #2 IC. We entered the contest with the idea of creating something emotional, thus we hope we successfully got across some feels to all of you. Thank you to all the participating members.

Аниме: 07-Ghost, Loveless, Free, Kekkai Sensen, Punchline, Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso, Zetsuen no Tempest, Aldnoah Zero, Gunslinger Stratos, Dantalian no Shoka, Maoyuu Maou Yuusha, Kuroshitsuji II, Akatsuki no Yona, True Tears, Evangelion, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Kara no Kyoukai, Ga-Rei Zero, Fate/Stay Night
Музыка: Broken Iris - Where Butterflies Never Die, Nosaj Thing x Pretty Lights - Ethereal


Comments: 17 |  Rating: 3.713.71

Spotlight 01.05.2015

I started this project out of curiosity and as a little challenge to see how far I can go with it, but didn't really believe I would be able to finish it.

Now I'm not quite sure what happened in the time between, but apparently I somehow managed to go all the way in the end. The funny thing is, I'm fully aware of all the weak spots, but in this case it's in fact easier said than done. So before I end up in the nuthouse for something like this, I rather keep those little flaws.

Аниме: Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso
Музыка: The Piano Guys - Let It Go


Comments: 48 |  Rating: 4.154.15
Author: Laxx

Sweet Ignorance 28.04.2015

I need your taste
I need your everything

Комментарий автора: Этот клип я проспорила Кайто почти полтора года назад. В итоге получилось совсем не то, что изначально загадывалось, но уж как смогла :)

Аниме: Diabolik Lovers
Музыка: Crosses - Bermuda Locket

Sweet Ignorance

Comments: 21 |  Rating: 3.543.54
Author: Tayo

友達 25.04.2015

И так, решил не проходить мимо данного события)) планировал реализовать одну свою старую задумку, но как оказалось на выходе вышло нечто иное. :) Всем приятного просмотра!

Аниме: Mekaku City Actors, Zankyou no Terror, Bakemonogatari
Музыка: Celldweller - It Makes No Difference Who We Are


Comments: 26 |  Rating: 3.753.75
Author: BacKSlash_L

Злобыч 25.04.2015

Клип про нескольких мальчиков. Один — одержимый наркоман. Второй — его протеже, который, отказавшись от наркотиков, срывает свою злость на окружающих (не гнушаясь слабым полом). Третий — их общий одноклассник, который после смерти получает возможность перенять наклонности первых двух и пройти свой жизненный путь заново, научившись видеть в людях быдло (т.к. это единственный способ не стать быдлом самому).

Аниме: The King of Pigs
Музыка: Negativ Nein - Gnadenlos


Comments: 66 |  Rating: 2.402.40
Author: Deviant

Mamma Ria 24.04.2015

I have a friend named Maria, we used to be very close, and we were just like other girls dreaming about our Mr.Right. One day she went to some place far faraway, and when I saw her again, I found out that she was not straight anymore... Oh , friend, if you are going to the les-circles, can you help me find my girl Maria, and tell her I'm here waiting for her ... Oh friend, if she will never come back, just tell her, I will always be her best friend no matter how well she changed...

Аниме: Maria holic, Maria holic alive
Музыка: Sarah Connor - Wait Till You Hear From Me

Mamma Ria

Comments: 29 |  Rating: 3.733.73
Author: kokky

Point of Origin 23.04.2015

Ever get into an extreme situation then wonder how you got there? Well, then let's go back to where it starts.

This video was a request I had to use Guilty Crown and a curious concept I had and wondered if it would be possible to share in a tragic story where things actually got better as the story goes on, where the payoffs come first and then the set up...a very frustrating piece of work to put together where not until this final version was I satisfied with the result.

Аниме: Guilty Crown
Музыка: Chase Holfelder - Every Breath You Take

Point of Origin

Comments: 34 |  Rating: 3.403.40
Author: ShodanKid

Bury me 22.04.2015

I decided to make this AMV for mostly one reason. I wanted to enter the Dokomi AMV-Contest 2015 - and I did. The Category I entered is "Drama" and I hope that I fullfilled that topic. I don't think that I will place though - but that was not the reason for me entering, because I wanted to enter this Contest so many times now - but never did. I'm just so glad & proud that I entered this year!

Аниме: Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso
Музыка: 30 Seconds to Mars - The Kill, Sum 41 - With me

Comments: 21 |  Rating: 3.693.69
Author: LargeRibbon

Brutal world ghouls 17.04.2015

Комментарий автора: In this video I wanted to show how much cruelty and pain in the world not only ghouls but in a living, have a nice view ☺ hope that the video will find its audience or will give an idea to create something better than this.

Аниме: Tokyo Ghoul
Музыка: Icy Lust - Sapphire PANDA EDM SHOW, Teminite - Goin' In PANDA EDM SHOW

brutal world ghouls

Comments: 33 |  Rating: 2.352.35
Author: HardBurst

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