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A Short Yui AMV

I always wanted to make an AMV for Yui, but there are not enough clips to make a full length AMV for her. So I decided to make a short AMV for her to test out my new video editing software. I just learned how to do a lot of the stuff in this video, so if you could tell me what you think to help me with my future videos.

Anime: Angel Beats!
Music: Bomb This Track - Mindless Self Indulgence

A Short Yui AMV

A Short Yui AMV

A Short Yui AMV

A Short Yui AMV

A Short Yui AMV

A Short Yui AMV


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3.24 3.24 (59 votes)
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Author: (video created: 20.09.2013)
Submitted by: 2ndState 27.09.2013 at 10:18
3.24 3.24 (59 votes)
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YouTube ratings: 5.00 (23 votes)
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Comments (15)
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[Remy]   User profile
  29.09.2013 15:53
Сильно переборщил с эффектами ... ставлю 3..
NewOvermind   User profile  Video channel
  29.09.2013 13:55
М\в баян Блендинг. Липсинки не очень понравились. 0:41+ вообще пошел жуткий трешак, что под эффектами аж ничего не видно.
2ndState   User profile  Video channel
  28.09.2013 22:56
Theredflash66 wrote:
2ndState, What I meant was that it had some frameblending and some of your transitions & effects weren't well-fitted

Thanks, all advice is greatly appreciated!
Shinzui   User profile  Video channel
  28.09.2013 22:27
2ndState, What I meant was that it had some frameblending and some of your transitions & effects weren't well-fitted
Darksss 73   User profile
  27.09.2013 23:06
Одна минута Где там книга рекордов Гиннесса ,надо вписать как самый короткий AMV 4
VovanKoperativ   User profile  Video channel
  27.09.2013 22:28
0_0 как все дергалось в конце
MigeL   User profile
  27.09.2013 19:51
Огрызок. Было бы что-нибудь более или менее цельное, четверку бы натянул. Ну а так 3.
Хотя смотрибельно.
2ndState   User profile  Video channel
  27.09.2013 19:34
Theredflash66 wrote:
Not bad & nice ideas, but there are some problems in your video like tech & etc.

Can you please elaborate on what you mean by problems like tech?
Elmarko wrote:
You must be full length to get a five.

Haha, understandable. I made this more or less just to test my new software and get opinions.
welivetoday   User profile
  27.09.2013 16:28
0:38 - 0:50 если бы не эти убогие помехи был бы шикарный припев :D
Siar_Mortal   User profile
  27.09.2013 15:02
That's a funny poster you got here mate.
Elmarko   User profile
  27.09.2013 13:57
You must be full length to get a five.
Roman_cat_Marcus   User profile
  27.09.2013 13:22
Default Avatar
maxximm   User profile
  27.09.2013 12:48
The quality of pumped up, the duration is small, it is necessary to add frames for tastier. 4 - and against it.
Shinzui   User profile  Video channel
  27.09.2013 11:23
Not bad & nice ideas, but there are some problems in your video like tech & etc.
OxyGen1   User profile
  27.09.2013 10:53
Fun... MSI... 2.

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