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Spectral Surveillance

Клип финалист конкурса AKROSS Con 2010

Author's comment: Here we go, I see that I've not send this on AMVnews. Fixed! To read the complete description, please refer to the Akross Con website. Enjoy, and feel the animation!

Anime: Hayate no gotoku, Chaos head, Shangri-la, Malice@ doll, Gunslinger girls, Higurashi no naku koro ni rei, Kami Nomi zo Shiru Sekai, Rideback, Rainbow, Pandora hearts, Karas, Mobile suit gundam Igloo 2, Angel beats, Shuffle!, Nabari no ou, Highschool of the dead, Kurozuka, B gata h kei, Fullmetal alchemist brotherhood, Jin-roh, Devil my cry 5 TGS 2010 trailer, Kanokon, Metal gear solid 4, Asu no yoichi, Square enix's Deus ex 3 TGS 2010 trailer, D gray man, Vexille, Varerian ando Rorurinnu, Wonderful days, Appleseed ex-machina, Sonic adventure, Sonic riders, DJ MAX portable, DJ MAX portable 2, DJ MAX portable 3, Seikon no Qwaser, kiss x sis, sayonara Zetsubou sensei, Final Fantasy XIII, Evangelion 2.22 : you can (not) advance, Darker than Black, True tears
Music: XKore - Synthax, Venguard182 - Delirium

Spectral Surveillance

Spectral Surveillance

Spectral Surveillance

Spectral Surveillance

Spectral Surveillance

Spectral Surveillance

Spectral Surveillance

Spectral Surveillance

Spectral Surveillance

Spectral Surveillance

Spectral Surveillance

Spectral Surveillance

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3.83 3.83 (244 votes)
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Author: (video created: 17.06.2011)
Submitted by: stickygaiden 18.06.2011 at 10:08
3.83 3.83 (244 votes)
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YouTube ratings: 4.89 (283 votes)
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Pushok   User profile
  18.06.2011 11:06
Первый раз вижу нечто подобное)) думаю не надо пояснять почему 5
MIBIHA   User profile
  18.06.2011 10:47
Ну мне понравилось еще на акросе, с фильтрами нормально поработал(а), постер клевый. 5
Starq   User profile
  18.06.2011 10:33
Интересная и захватывающая работа

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