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Little Talks ( )

Комментарий автора: So I love this song and I have been wanting ti edit it for years. After watching and reading Clear Card it became clear that this had to be done to the new arc. The Nadeshiko reveal in the manga sealed the deal, though it was done differently in the anime, it still worked out. I might regret not waiting for the final two episodes but oh well! I will make ccs amvs to come XD

Аниме: Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card
Музыка: Of Monsters and Men - Little Talks

Little Talks

Little Talks

Little Talks

Little Talks

Little Talks

Little Talks

Little Talks

Author Neko kitkat
Creation date 28.05.2018
Version 0

EsperOtter | 05.06.2018 08:16