AMV - Videos



Внезапно, в безумном списке номинантов на VCA 2018, откопал годноту.
Зы: На орговской страничке клипа (ссылку оставил) есть ссылка на на какую-то лютую (овер полтора гига) версию, сюда тащить не стал, но кому интересно, наверно посмотрят.

Комментарий автора: I have to admit: "Horror" and "Romance" is a bit far fetched for this AMV. Somehow I still see it fitting.  This is my first attempt on making a glitchart AMV. Not quite as glitchy as I would have imagined, but pulling of continuous Datamoshing with hiqh quality video codecs was not reliable enough for tight editing sync. Glitchart is widely ignored in AMVs and I think, I will have a further look into it in future projects.
What the hell is she coding?
She programming her own boyfriend via a internet supercomputer network called Golem. Golem is a real project that I'm interessted in, but of course such hyper realistic experiences are not part of it. Let's see if we can get them in the near future.

Аниме: Serial Experiments Lain, Genius Party
Музыка: Röyksopp & Robyn – Sayit






Author Bauzi
Creation date 08.07.2017
Version 0

MesoGear | 21.03.2018 08:41