AMV - Videos


Energy ( )

Клип участник конкурса AMVNews: Big Contest 2010

Комментарий автора: In this AMV I wanted to create an hybrid atmosphere that mean an hybrid energy. I knew a song that could generate this kind of atmosphere. This song (A place for my head ) from the album REANIMATION of Linkin park, inspired a lot so I began the creation of this AMV. The problem was about the anime. I didn't know what kind of anime would go with the music, but after some research I found them, and the editing began. This amv took to me 2 months, It was really hard to check the tempo, the beats, and lipsyncs , but nevertheless I think I didn't fail in my approah for this hybrid atmosphere which recalls the atmosphere of hybrid theory (Again an album of LP). We can say It is a video of a fan to the other fans. Thanks to members of my dear team, and particullary to MDL who gave me the motivation. I hope you will feel this atmosphere. And if you feel it, I hope you will appreciate it.

Аниме: Animatrix, Trava First Planet
Музыка: Linkin Park- A Place for my Head








Resolution: 720x400
Video codec: x264
Audio codec: Lame mp3
Audio bitrate: 192
Duration: 04:23

Author Dydyfredosh
Creation date 23.03.2010

dydyfredosh | 27.03.2010 10:21