AMV - Клипы


Don't Open the Door ( )

This AMV focuses on Makima from Chainsaw man. The motivation for this AMV was how well I thought the song fit Makima's character. Originally, I wanted to make a very unique story-driven AMV with a lot of composition and masking to create custom scenes and a unique story, but overall I found it too hard to sync to the intense parts of the song so I ended up making something a bit simpler. Hopefully it still works out. The AMV starts up slow and builds up the atmosphere and tension and then all hell breaks loose.

Аниме: Chainsaw Man
Музыка: JVNA - Play With You

Don't Open the Door

Don't Open the Door

Don't Open the Door

Don't Open the Door

Don't Open the Door

Don't Open the Door

Don't Open the Door

Автор клипа xyik
Дата создания 25.08.2023
Номер версии 0

xyik | 28.08.2023 08:10