AMV - Videos

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Spooky Mushroom Gyoza (������ ��� ������)

I wanted to make a Halloween amv this year, and Dorohedoro has some great OP/ED's that gave off serious 'Beetlejuice' vibes. I wanted to go for a kind of psychedelic type of video, hence all the mushrooms. I used ONLY the OP and ED's when editing.

Аниме: Dorohedoro
Музыка: Danny Elfman - Beetlejuice Main Titles

Spooky Mushroom Gyoza

Spooky Mushroom Gyoza

Spooky Mushroom Gyoza

Spooky Mushroom Gyoza

Spooky Mushroom Gyoza

Author Synæsthesia
Creation date 31.10.2020
Version 0

Synæsthesia | 08.11.2020 08:44