AMV - Videos


Dance Like Its Your Life ( )

I saw Thumpasaurus open for a band a couple months ago and was so blown away by their music I just had to make an amv to one of their songs! I challenged myself by learning how to use After Effects and the masking function for this video. I'm still getting the hang of it! But PLEASE go check out Thumpasaurus! They're RAD as HECK!

Аниме: Nichijou, Lucky Star, Miss Kobayashi's Maid Dragon, Girls' Last Tour, Sarazanmai, Space Dandy, K-ON!, Love Chunibyo and other delusions, Hisone to Masotan, Pop Team Epic, Lu Over the Wall, Chio's School Road, Himouto Umaru chan, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Golden Wind, Hibike! Euphonium, Kizuna Ai, Hinako Note, Blend S, Beyond the Boundray
Музыка: Thumpasaurus - "Dance like its your life"

Dance Like Its Your Life

Dance Like Its Your Life

Dance Like Its Your Life

Dance Like Its Your Life

Dance Like Its Your Life

Dance Like Its Your Life

Author Synaesthesia
Creation date 05.07.2019
Version 0

Synæsthesia | 09.07.2019 20:38