AMV - Клипы


Eternity ( )

Tfw you use Lugia's song but don't feature it in the video.
Made this for the r/Pokemon discord channel's Pokemon video editing contest and I obviously wanted to make a music video for it LOL.
This AMV is a mess because I tried to fit two legends from the Pokemon series into one cause one was too short and two were too long for the song. Plus I tried to kind of relate them to one another cause I found them quite similar in some ways.
Made within a few days. Focused a lot on the atmosphere of the song over anything else.
Pokemon History this AMV is based on.
"A terribly long time ago…"
"There was a man and a Pokémon. He loved that Pokémon very much."
"A war began."
"The man's beloved Pokémon took part in the war."
"Several years passed."
"He was given a tiny box."
"The man wanted to bring the Pokémon back. No matter what it took."
"The man built a machine to give it life."
"He brought his beloved Pokémon back."
"The man had suffered too much. His rage had not subsided."
"He could not forgive the world that had hurt the Pokémon he loved."
"He turned the machine into the ultimate weapon."
"The man became a bringer of destruction that ended the war."
"The Pokémon that was given life must have known…"
"That the lives of many Pokémon were taken to restore its life."
"The resurrected Pokémon left the man."

Once the man's torment has disappeared his beloved Pokemon returns to him once again.
Ho-Oh has a mythical power to resurrect the dead.
It is said that when it flies its huge wings create bright, colorful rainbows. The rare few who bear witness to Ho-Oh are promised an eternal happiness. Ho-Oh used to perch at the top of the Bell Tower until the Brass Tower was destroyed by fire. It now presumably flies through the world's skies in search of a Trainer with a pure heart.
Three unnamed Pokémon perished in the fire of the Brass Tower; Ho-Oh returned briefly to revive them after the fire had been put out. These Pokémon, the Legendary beasts Raikou, Entei, and Suicune, were destined to speed across the land since their revival.

Аниме: Pokemon
Музыка: Ralph Schuckett, John Loeffler - The Legend Comes to Life








Автор клипа Lucariochu
Дата создания 29.05.2019
Номер версии 0

Lucariochu | 31.05.2019 07:25