AMV - Videos


Weaving Wounds ( )

My motivation behind the video:

This video is really personal because of the themes involved in it. I won't go too into detail with its meaning since I did make it with the intention of making the interpretation flexible. I essentially wanted to make a video about mental health and dealing with mental health issues in a way that is not self-destructive. I often see people either belittling mental health problems or glorifying them, and I wanted to make a video that avoided stretching into either territory. Mental health issues should not be shamed, but they are still issues that should be at least managed in as healthy of a way as possible. I was inspired to approach the subject this way due to my own ongoing journey with my mental health problems, and while I definitely still have a long way to go, I have certainly come a long way too.

The process of making the video:

Oh boy, so this video has been on a journey. I originally started this general concept right after the first season finished with a different song. I knew I'd have better footage if I waited for the second, so I did. Unfortunately, the first song I tried didn't work out, and there were several different song combinations with this anime I attempted afterword for about a year and a half before I settled on this one in early December. Since then, I have reworked the video 4 different times before settling on the direction I ended up taking with it.

Аниме: 3-gatsu no Lion
Музыка: Icon for Hire - Under the Knife (Accoustic)

Weaving Wounds

Weaving Wounds

Weaving Wounds

Weaving Wounds

Weaving Wounds

Weaving Wounds

Author Xophilarus
Creation date 11.04.2019
Version 0

Xophilarus | 17.04.2019 10:00