
Exam videos
New videos Last Supper Tuesday, 02 April 2019

Author's comment: This is for you

Author: Gorz
Anime: Devilman Crybaby
Music: Childish Gambino ft. Azealia Banks - Earth, the oldest computer

Last Supper


Site news Best of Exam section (March 2019) Monday, 01 April 2019

Fobos - Wild Games

Nooria - Neurosis

Kitan - The Hangover

Dreamer AMV - Reverie

Kyoto - Moments

Li0n - Black Parade

Summary statistics for AMVs in Exam section for given period:
Number of releases: 36
Average rating: 2.7
Number of comments: 171 (~4.8 comments per video)
Number of votes: 514 (~14.3 votes per video)
Moved to the front page as a result of voting: 1 (~3 %)

Dear creators and audience, do not forget to visit our Exam section where novice authors are waiting for your advice. There you can also vote for best videos which in your opinion shoud be moved to the front page.


Contests VCA 2019 Final Voting Sunday, 31 March 2019


The Final Round of the 2019 Viewers' Choice Awards have begun! This year, all you need to support your favorite videos of 2018 is a google account  (Youtube, Gmail or Google Drive will do). Voting ends on April 8th 11:59pm EDT.

Watch the videos


New videos Red.S Saturday, 30 March 2019

Contest video of Soul's Team Iron Chef XV: #OCTAGONE

2 место в категории Psyche.
Конкурсная версия клипа на зеркале 1 / Check mirror 1 link for contest version of the video.

Author's comment: Voilà voilà, je travaillais le vendredi et samedi donc j'ai fais ce que j'ai pu, du coup c'est une v2, j'ai pas changé énormément de truc, surtout les 9 dernières secondes que j'ai rajouté.

Author: Madao
Anime: Genius party, Genius party beyond, Bakemonogatari, Kizumonogatari, Berserk, Tekkonkinkreet, Rebuild of Evangelion, The girl who leapt through time +others
Music: Apashe - Good news



Contests Results of Soul's Team Iron Chef XV Friday, 29 March 2019

Best Action: Shidensen
Best Romance/Drama: 
Best Fun
Best Dance: 
Best Horror: Kalvary (Prisoners)
Best Psyche
:  flow/er

Last Man Standing 
(Top 12 category winners as ranked by judges) 

1. lokkiclu - flow(er)
2. PikaPika - Moiety
3. Elerye - Runaway
4. Luciole - Shidensen
5. Madao - Red.S
6. Cmoididi - NaNaNa
7. Zuuki - Kalvary (Prisoners)
8. Sempai3607 - Eclipse
9. JazzsVids - Spinnin' Rhythm
10. Kroner - Monogatharem
11. Eion - Cataclysm
12. MDL - Scala ad Caelum

Team ranking (ТОP-3)
1. Hearthless (MDL, Zuuki, Luciole)
2. UnfinishedBusiness (AMVLuna, JazzsVids, Lokkiclu)
3. Homeless (Madao, Sempai3607, Neon)

Full team ranking
Full category ranking


New videos Snail's House - Pixel Galaxy Thursday, 28 March 2019

Героиня клипа - обычная офисная служащая, которая живет в комнате с кошкой. Рабочие дни расписаны по минутам: утром водные процедуры, поездка в метро, работа в офисе, поездка в метро, отдых с подругами. 
Но однажды в ее комнате появляется незваная гостья.

Author: Speedosausage, SouredApple, KoizumiHazuki, moawling, Makaij
Anime: Original animation
Music: Ujico*/Snail's House - Pixel Galaxy

Snail's House - Pixel Galaxy


New videos Continuum Tuesday, 26 March 2019

I am a big fan of Akira Amano (author of Katekyo Hitman Reborn) and since she has done the character design for psycho-pass i had to edit it. Unfortunately it proved to be harder than expected due to the lack of good scenes, but it was still fun to edit! Thank you for watching.

Author: Arrow
Anime: Psycho-Pass
Music: Unknown Brain x Rival - Control (feat. Jex), grandson - Overdose



New videos Kalvary (Prisoners) Monday, 25 March 2019

Contest video of Soul's Team Iron Chef XV: #OCTAGONE

Победитель в категории Horror.
Зеркало 1 - конкурсная версия клипа / Contest version of the video on mirror 1.

Author's comment: Made in 3 days for the souls team IC #15 (winner of horror category)

Author: Zuuki
Anime: Tasogare Otome × Amnesia, Mahou Tsukai no Yome (+others)
Music: Code Pandorum - Calvaire
Awards: Best Horror на Soul's Team Iron Chef XV: #OCTAGONE

Kalvary (Prisoners)


Contests Japan Expo 2018 AMV contest Sunday, 24 March 2019


AMV France and Japan Expo invite you to take part in annual AMV contest Japan Expo 2019. The contest is open for everyone, one AMV per participant. Remember, that only exclusive videos are good for Japan Expo! Submission deadline in June 2nd, 2019, you can fill in the form first and upload your video later. Results will be announced at Japan Expo convent (4-7th July), and various prizes are waiting for winners.

Contest rules (English, French, Spanish)
Registration of participants 


New videos Bad News/Good Night Saturday, 23 March 2019

Contest video of Soul's Team Iron Chef XV: #OCTAGONE

11 место в Psyche категории ST IC XV. У меня все.

Author: RadicalDreamer
Anime: Fate Heavens Feel/ Fate Unlimited Blade Works
Music: Apashe - Good news

Bad News/Good Night


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