
Exam videos
Contests NCS AMV Contest 2019 -Summer Edition- Tuesday, 16 April 2019


The NCS AMV CONTEST is back once again and this time we will host the contest on the main stage at NCS! The contest will also be streamed so make sure to tell your friends to both watch and vote for the best amv! Everyone will be able to participate and compete against each other to win awesome prizes and glory. So be sure to be there!
Exclusive entries only. Submission deadline is July 5th, 2019.

Detailed contest rules at our forum


New videos Magnum Modus: Big Mood Sunday, 14 April 2019

Комментарий Shin: This song kinda lived and Breathed Yuri Kuma to me. Seemed like a perfect collab idea to do with Xophi. It was fun to make, and we tried a lot of experimental things to be artsy and give the video some personality.

Author: Shin, Xophilarus
Anime: Yurikuma Arashi
Music: Ken Ashcorp - Black Lily

Magnum Modus: Big Mood


New videos Dream the impossible Saturday, 13 April 2019

К клипу прилагаются русские субтитры.

Author's comment: Soooooooo I tried something a bit different lol. Did you guys want another 4 min Gurren Lagann amv? No? Oh well I did.

Author: BecauseImBored1
Anime: Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann
Music: Ziv Zaifman, Hugh Jackman, Michelle Williams - A Million Dreams, Michelle Williams  - Tightrope
Awards: VCA 2019 - Best Storytelling, Momocon 2018 - Best Sentimental, Director's Choice, Animazement 2018 - Best Drama AMV, Nan Desu Kan 2018 - Best Drama AMV, Kuronekocon 2018 - Best in Show, Anime NYC 2018 - Best in Show and Audience Fav 2018

Dream the impossible


New videos Pain Pain Go Away! Thursday, 11 April 2019

Author's comment: 辉夜大小姐完结纪念。
A work to celebrate “Kaguya-sama: Love Is War” first season's ending.

Author: MusicFish
Anime: Kaguya-sama: Love Is War
Music: ベリーグッドマン - Pain, Pain Go Away feat. MUTSUKI from Softly

Pain Pain Go Away!


Contests Winners of VCA 2019 Wednesday, 10 April 2019

Video of the Year
tomik - MY2007

Best Action Video
tomik - MY2007 

Best Character Profile 
Kroner  - Roxanne

Best Collaborative Video 
MycathatesyouAMV, King Redeem - Dunces & Dragons

Best Comedy Video
Kisanzi - A Dying Bread

Best Dance Video 
DamnKazu - Can't Hold Us

Best Dramatic Video 
Kroner  - Roxanne

Best Fun Video 
Glitzer - Shiny Teeth

Best Horror Video 
kuruta - Room 302

Best Multi-Editor Project 
Crows AMVTeam - N.E.O

Best Parody Video 
Kireblue & Mycathatesyo - Sausage Corps

Best Romantic Video 
JazzsVids - La La Land

Best Storytelling
BecauseImBored1 - Dream the Impossible

Best Sentimental Video 
Glitzer - Happy Little Clouds

Best Short Video 
Padre - Memento

Best Trailer or Commercial 
Rider4z - Cowboy:Bebop Fallout

Best Use of Instrumental Music
VideoBeats - You Make Me Smile 

Best Use of Lip Synch 
Rider4z - Cowboy:Bebop Fallout

Best Use of Multiple Anime
DamnKazu - Can't Hold Us 

Best Use of Special Effects 
JazzsVids - La La Land

Most Artistic Video 
Gorz - Last Supper

Most Original Video 
ZephyrStar - Daydream | Return

Editor of the Year 

Most Improved Editor



Contests Конкурс #SGZERO Wednesday, 10 April 2019


Небольшая новость для поклонников аниме Steins;Gate 0. Организаторы группы #SGZERO Вконтакте приглашают всех желающих принять участие в конкурсе клипов по этому сериалу. Принимаются эксклюзивные работы, сделаные после 8 апреля 2019 г. Дедлайн приема клипов - 25 апреля. Предусмотрены призы для победителей.

Правила конкурса на нашем форуме
Группа #SGZERO Вконтакте

New videos Without Me Monday, 08 April 2019

Author's comment: I just wanted to say this anime looks amazing, I watched it all and was amazed by the characters and I like how it brought me that Toradora feeling! I missed those types of anime and that's why I decided to do something with it :) The song is my favorite, especially the Illenium remix because it gives it more of an emotional touch. Don't worry about any spoilers because I didn't follow the exact story in the anime but rather used the later episode even in the first scene :D This took me around... 1-3 weeks? It took long because I was waiting for the episode to be release but other than that, I reallllly enjoyed making this! I tried my best to make it smooth as possible and I hope you like it! Sorry for the no upload during the 3 weeks, but I got more amv done so I will be uploading it this week yayy

Author: Vichima
Anime: Kaguya-sama: Love is War
Music: Hasley - Without Me (Illenium Remix)

Without Me


New videos Persimmon Saturday, 06 April 2019

Author's comment: Title is because the color of the filter i used on the vid before i get any sassy comments.
Flower pattern from here.

Author: Pieandbeer
Anime: Ano natsu de matteru
Music: Arcade Fire - Everything Now, Will Smith - Gettin' Jiggy Wit It



Contests Japan Expo 2019 Promo Friday, 05 April 2019

Submission deadline in June 2nd, 2019.
Remember, that only exclusive videos are good for Japan Expo! 

Contest rules (English, French, Spanish)
Registration of participants 


New videos If Thursday, 04 April 2019

Hi! After a long pause I managed to edit something ... I wanted to make a simple video, without too many effects, to leave space for the story! 
Who wouldn't want to stop everything and find a new chance? But above all, have we ever wondered if all this reality is just a dream? 
Hope you like it! ;)

Author: Joy's AMV
Anime: Uchiage Hanabi, Koe no Katachi
Music: Oh Wonder - Drive



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