
Exam videos
New videos You are "not" alone Monday, 08 September 2014

Author's comment: Badabumpts!~ Here is my work for 1x1 AMV battle. Not going to explain whats going on in the video as I want to see if it's clear enough for others as it has kind of "story" ;w; Enjoy!

Author: Damnkazu
Anime: Rozen Maiden
Music: Aram mp3 - Not alone

You are


New videos Open Frames Sunday, 07 September 2014

I had just need to clean 200 GB on my hard disk, so i finished this thing quickly... Btw at the begining i was searching to made an AMV just with openings. That's all i can said about this... xD Good luck!

Author: KuroUnmei
Anime: 11 Eyes, Accel Wolrd, Acchi Kocchi, Angel Beats!, Bakemonogatari, Bamboo Blade, Ben-To, C3, Dragon Crisis!, Eden EF - A Fairy Tale Of The Two, Fortune Arterial Akai Yakusoku, Itsuka Tenma no Kuro Usagi Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai, K-ON!, K-ON!!, Ladies vs Butlers!, Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica, Maken-ki!, MM!, Motto, To Love-Ru, Myself Yourself, Nichijou, Nyan Koi!, Ookami-san to Shichinin no Nakama-tachi, Rosario + Vampire, Saki Achiga-hen, Shakugan no Shana II, Shinryaku! Ika Musume, Sora no Otoshimono Forte, Tayutama Kiss on my Deity, THE IDOLM@STER, To Aru Kagaku no Railgun
Music: Nightcore - Dam Dadi Do

Open Frames


Contests Nan Desu Kan 2014 Finalists Saturday, 06 September 2014


Nan Desu Kan AMV contest finalists are here. As usual, many strong non-exclusive entries from well-known authors. Perhaps next year one of you will be ready to fight for famous "Asuka" award?

Category X 
Fracture - Gorz 
Pandora - Centurione 
Dissociation - irriadin
Quiet - OkamiRvS 
tan(x) - lolligerjoj 


New videos Captain Mustang: The Winter Alchemist Friday, 05 September 2014

Пародия на второй трейлер фильма "Captain America: The Winter Soldier" (в русском прокате - "Первый мститель. Другая война").

К клипу прилагаются русские субтитры.

Author: Ryvannis
Anime: Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Music: Captain America: The Winter Soldier Trailer 2

Captain Mustang: The Winter Alchemist


New videos TTGL Tuesday, 02 September 2014

Клип делался для участия в конкурсе AMV в рамках шведского аниме-фестиваля Närcon 2014. Аудиоряд - песня-посвящение аниме Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann за авторством группы Neotokio3.

Author: Benreparn
Anime: Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann
Music: Neotokio3 - Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann



New videos Eternal Session Monday, 01 September 2014

Author's comment: Salut!! Voilà enfin notre duo, à la base j'étais pas trop chaud pour faire l'IC Stylize mais ce brave Darthice m'a proposé de venir chez moi un jour et on a commencé à clipper en live cheers C'était la première fois que je faisais ça et c'était vraiment fun même si un peu relou de l'attendre faire sa phase, il est lent Laughing A refaire! Bon malheureusement on a pas pu faire tout le clip comme ça mais j'pense que ça reste assez homogène. On a eu quelques soucis au niveau de l'encode et du partage sur la fin mais le voilà Razz

La story c'est que c'est un various et que je préfère que vous l'interprétiez vous-même, c'est bien mieux, j'vous jure. Merci les orgas pour l'IC, on verra ce qu'il en est de notre place mais en tout cas j'suis content du résultat bounce Enjoy!

Author: MagicDarkLight, Darthice
Anime: Various
Music: Varien & SirensCeol - Moonlight (feat. Aloma Steele)
Awards: 1st place in Eden Team IC: Stylize 6th

Eternal Session


Contests Конкурс AMV на фестивале Anime Factor Monday, 01 September 2014

Ежегодный аниме-фестиваль Anime Factor (г. Хабаровск) приглашает всех желающих принять участие в конкурсе AMV в рамках фестиваля. К участию допускаются клипы, ранее не участвовавшие в аналогичных конкурсах города Хабаровска и не занимавшие призовые места в аналогичных конкурсах фестивалей России. Клипы-призеры будут показаны на большом экране фестиваля. Заявки на конкурс подаются через форму сайта организаторов до 30 сентября 2014 года. После окончания срока подачи заявок в течение 10 дней (до 10 октября) допускается досылать материалы к уже поданным заявкам. 

Подробные правила конкурса на нашем форуме
Правила конкурса и форма для заявок на сайте организаторов


New videos Exordium Friday, 29 August 2014

Hello, AMVnews! We present our entry for Eden Team's Stylize 6th IC, a project completed in 3 days. The title of the MEP, which roughly translates from latin to "beginning", was chosen specifically to mark the completion of our first joint effort since the re-opening of r3T. Enjoy the MEP, and thank you for watching!

♦ Track 1: Fate/Zero (KahloReiva007)
♦ Track 2: Ga-Rei Zero (Anzu10694)
♦ Track 3: Noragami (EllipseIris)
♦ Track 4: Rebuild of Evangelion (lokkiclu)
♦ Track 5: Yumekui Merry (sirenaim)
♦ Track 6: Tokyo Ghoul (Crookz)
♦ Track 7: Mirai Nikki (Zeldaa1234)
♦ Track 8: Casshern Sins (MentalTsuii)

Author: lokkiclu, Anzu10694, Zeldaa1234, MentalTsuii, sirenaim, EllipseIris, Crookz, KahloReiva007
Anime: Fate/Zero, Ga-Rei Zero, Noragami, Rebuild of Evangelion, Yumekui Merry, Tokyo Ghoul, Mirai Nikki, Casshern Sins
Music: Vexare - Rattlesnakes
Awards: 2nd place in Eden Team IC: Stylize 6th



New videos Angels on the Battlefield Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Special for Stylize 6th Eden Team IC

Track 1: JazzsVids
Track 2: [madaraxD]
Track 3: gabberMD
Track 4: Nekkozie
Track 5: ReplayStudios
Track 6: Sempai
Track 7: JazzsVids
Transitions: AmvLuna

Author: AmvLuna, Replay Studios, Sempai3607, gabberMD, JazzsVids, [madaraxD], Nekkozie
Anime: Air, Ambition of Oda Nobuna (TV), Angel Beats (TV), Arpeggio of Blue Steel (TV), Evangelion Shin Gekijouban: Q (Movie), Evangelion: 1.0 You Are (Not) Alone (Movie), First Squad - The Moment Of Truth (OVA), Full Metal Panic: The Second Raid, Hataraku Maou-sama!, Innocent Venus (TV), Neon Genesis Evangelion 2.22 - You Can [Not] Advance (Movie), No Game No Life (TV), So-Ra-No-Wo-To (TV), Zankyou no Terror
Music: Lindsey Stirling - Shatter me
Awards: 3rd place in Eden Team IC: Stylize 6th

Angels on the Battlefield


New videos Generation Selfie Sunday, 24 August 2014

Author's comment: So here's my entry I made for the Otakon 2014 AMV Contest. It was a finalist in the comedy category. This was probably my first real attempt at a comedy video. I initially wasn't entirely sure what my Otakon video was going to be until one day I heard this song on the radio and instantly wanted to use it. While there are some things I would have like to expanded more on and done better, I am somewhat satisfied with the outcome and was glad the audience at Otakon seemed to have a good time watching it and laughed during it.

Author: MycathatesyouAMV
Anime: B Gata H Kei (TV), Bleach, Clannad (TV), Code Geass - Lelouch of the Rebellion (TV), Death Note (TV), DragonBall Z, Fullmetal Alchemist (TV), Is This a Zombie? (TV), Kill La Kill (TV), Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, The (TV), Naruto, Neon Genesis Evangelion, One Piece, Perfect Blue, Pokemon (TV), School Days (TV), Sonic X, Steins;Gate (TV), Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann (TV)
Music: The Chainsmokers - #Selfie

Generation Selfie


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