
Exam videos
New videos Sharing Lungs Thursday, 19 February 2015

Contest video of AKROSS Con 2014

Author's comment: Long time no see Akross... Animated here, last year's winner of Best Comedy award. This year I am presenting something similar to my older videos - no, it's not comedy at all :) Don't try to figure out a specific storyline or a concept - I could say there is one, but very abstract. What the video is all about is kidnapping, murder, human experimenting and supernatural phenomena... all done with oldschool editing. Don't look for fancy effects and transitions, there is none here. That's all I guess, I hope I did a video my favourite song deserved.

Author: Animated
Anime: Aoi Bungaku, Arve Rezzle, Batman: Gotham Knight, Blood: Last Vampire, Blood+ Code Breaker, Corpse Party, Eight Dogs of the East, Exaella, Fate Zero, Ghost Hound Guilty Crown, Haibane Renmei, Hiiro no Kagera, Kara no Kyoukai, Kurozuka, Mardock Scramble Nisemonogatari, Psycho-Pass, Shigurui, Shinrei Tantei Yakumo, Sukitte ii na yo, Supernatural, To Aru Majutsu no Index, Trinity Blood
Music: Deftones - Change (In the House of Flies)

Sharing Lungs


New videos School Sect Thursday, 19 February 2015

Contest video of AKROSS Con 2014

Author's comment: Давненько я не пилил клипов, поэтому решил забабахать именно фан, чтоб повеселить себя и публику. ВНИМАНИЕ!!! Клип основан на реальных событиях!!! Просто фильмы "основанные на реальных событиях" пользуются большой популярностью, мож и с моим клипом проканает? в общем вы поняли... Отдельное спасибо: seriy (не знаю чтоб я без него делал), OneMore (самая офигенная студия на свете), Fox114 (тоже материл данное творение), SiNDROMiX (а этот ... в свой день рождения помог мне с постером). Без этих ребят этот клип бы сам не создался.

Author: KSANDR
Anime: D-Frag!
Music: Maximum The Hormone - Rock 'n' Roll Chainsaw

School Sect


New videos Lairus Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Contest video of AKROSS Con 2014

Author's comment: Hello everyone, I hope are well, here I leave a video that has cast for "Akross" had certain flaws and complications, I would like you to tell me if possible please mistakes I had, also in what I did evil in this video, thank you very much for your attention, and hope you enjoy the video, greetings.

Author: AMVs Gimenez
Anime: Nisekoi, Hyouka, K-On!, Hanasaku Iroha
Music: Timeflies - Glad You Came, Feint - Lift



New videos Nefarium Psychologica Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Contest video of AKROSS Con 2014

Как обычно, в исполнении Shin'а - отличный монтаж и подбор кадров, благодаря чему даже давно знакомые аниме и музыка воспринимаются достаточно свежо.

Author: Shin
Anime: Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica
Music: Halou - Honeythief

Nefarium Psychologica


New videos Dandelion Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Contest video of AKROSS Con 2014

Author's comment: Are you ready to take a step, for the last act? Just like the Dandelion.‍ 

Anime: Tamako Love Story
Music: Keira Knightley - A Step You Can't Take Back
Awards: Лучшая романтика на конкурсе AKROSS Con 2014



Contests Winners of Akross Con 2014 Monday, 16 February 2015
Akross Con 2014

Best Video:
1. AlchemistEskimo & itsAvient - Eruption
2. Tiny Poet - The Winner
3. ZEVS1993 - Fatal/Game
4. slimed - Serein
5. Okill - Skyfall
6. xDieguitoAMV - Recuerdos Del Olvido
7. Benreparn - Tranceition
8. TsukiBito - Salvation of Kiritsugu
9. ONEWAYS - Dandelion
10. Sunlight - Fleeting
11. mastamind - Moon Powder
12. hiroki_999 - KNOW YOUR ENEMY
13. Shin - Nefarium Psychologica
14. Kis@ - The Sky's The Limit
15. xDeuz - Waiting for you

Best Action:
1. ZEVS1993 - Fatal/Game
2. Tiny Poet - The Winner
3. TsukiBito - Salvation of Kiritsugu

Best Drama:
1. Okill - Skyfall
2. slimed - Serein
3. xDieguitoAMV - Recuerdos Del Olvido

Best Romance/Sentimental:
1. ONEWAYS - Dandelion
2. xDeuz - Waiting for you
3. Kis@ - The Sky's The Limit

Best Comedy:
1. AlchemistEskimo & itsAvient - Eruption
2. Tiny Poet - The Winner
3. MrGafudo - First Blood

Best Fun:
1. hiroki_999 - KNOW YOUR ENEMY
2. John - Dead Wall
3. Domius - Eruption

Best Dance:
1. Benreparn - Tranceition
2. andrewbee - Coup de Grace
3. Adverse - Rebound

Viewers Choice Award:
Okill - Skyfall

Best Psychedelic:
1. mastamind - Moon Powder
2. lolligerjoj - GEHIRNSTURMEN
3. Shin - Nefarium Psychologica

Best Character Profile:
1. xDieguitoAMV - Recuerdos Del Olvido
2. AlchemistEskimo & itsAvient - Eruption
3. ONEWAYS - Dandelion

Best Teamwork:
1. AlchemistEskimo & itsAvient - Eruption
2. xDieguitoAMV - Recuerdos Del Olvido
3. KxS & MDL - Overdrive

Best Story/Plot:
1. ZEVS1993 - Fatal/Game
2. Okill - Skyfall
3. slimed - Serein

Best Trailer/Opening:
1. TsukiBito - Salvation of Kiritsugu
2. Ova - Welcome to Ikebukuro
3. AMV Strat - Journey

Best Original Concept:
1. AlchemistEskimo & itsAvient - Eruption
2. Tiny Poet - The Winner
3. ZEVS1993 - Fatal/Game

Best Technical Work:
1. ZEVS1993 - Fatal/Game
2. AlchemistEskimo & itsAvient - Eruption
3. Benreparn - Tranceition

Best Design Of Visual Effects:
1. Ova - Welcome to Ikebukuro
2. AlchemistEskimo & itsAvient - Eruption
3. lolligerjoj - GEHIRNSTURMEN

Best Presentation/Design:
1. AlchemistEskimo & itsAvient - Eruption
2. ONEWAYS - Dandelion
3. TsukiBito - Salvation of Kiritsugu

slimed - Serein


New videos Maybe Sunday, 15 February 2015

Author's comment: I started this AMV in 2012 when I finished this anime and Call me Maybe was a thing. However literally everyone and their mothers was editing with this song. And even though I wanted to use a cover I thought people would hate the video simply because by that point everyone was really sick of it. So I put it away in my graveyard of dead betas.

However this year I wanted to finish something for Valentines Day, and I stumbled upon this beta again. I love this cover of the song. I think it takes Carly Rae's cutesie classic and makes it really romantic and intimate. I think it really fits this pair - and if you have watched the anime I think you would agree. If you haven't seen it I hope this AMV inspires you to watch it. It's one of the best shoujo's I have seen and the love story between these two is really sweet and real. Also gonna plug the artist who sings this song Paradise Fears. They are quite good and ya'll should give them love.

I wanted to try lots of new stuff with this video -- mainly some effects that could verge on "Candy" style. I did some things I am really proud of and learned lots of new stuff. Maybe someday in the future I'll make something that takes these effects a little further. There are definitely some things I could clean up in this - like making the lipsync a little tighter and some of the masks. But I am calling this project done.

This AMV was made for a special someone ^^ Happy Valentines day

Author: VivifxAMV
Anime: Inu X Boku Secret Service
Music: Paradise Fears - Call Me Maybe



New videos Self-fulfilled Prophecy Sunday, 15 February 2015

Author's comment: This is the first project I have been able to keep "hidden" until a contest. I completed it last November and published it after Yukicon this month. The project was ORIGINALLY just meant to be a short MEP part, but I kinda loved it so I made it into a full video. Then again, now the MEP part of it stands out editing-wise so eh, I don't know how I feel about this overall. I'm shocked it won, out of the videos that I entered. I'm happy though, so thank you! Hope you like it!

Author: Cirera
Anime: Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren, Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions (TV)
Music: Marina and the Diamonds - Oh no
Awards: Best Category X - Yukicon 2015

Self-fulfilled Prophecy


New videos Coup de Grace Saturday, 14 February 2015

Contest video of AKROSS Con 2014

Author's comment: Hi Everyone. Really glad to be participating for the first time in this competition. I initially didn’t plan this and was only going to spectate simply because I had an AMV which I started earlier this year and got bored of it.

Coup de Grâce alludes to several metaphors associated with falling in love, the internal emotional struggle that occurs before the attraction turns into a stronger definition.

I wanted to make a something that felt like a “music video performance” think Michael Jackson’s thriller i.e. to have a basic story, dance routine, and artist performance. Really happy with the turnout. Might decide to make a “making of” if there is an interest for that.

I will like to thank S.T for making these lovely posters and also helping me at moments when I just couldn’t find a good matching source. I hope you guys enjoy watching this as much I had fun making it and wish every contestant good luck! Cheers.

Author: andrewbee
Anime: Tari Tari, Seikimatsu Occult Gakuin, Macross Frontier: The False Songstress, Aldnoah.Zero, To Aru Kagaku no Railgun, Bleach, Cross Road, Accel Road, Kyoukai no Kanata, Heroic Age, Angel Beats!, Wolf Children, K-On!, Kimi no Iru Machi, Suisei no Gargantia, Mnemosyne no Musume-tachi, Shakugan no Shana, Xam'd Lost Memories, Majokko Shimai no Yoyo to Nene, Fate/stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works (Movie), Saki Achiga-hen, Mekakucity Actors, Another, Dance in the Vampire Bund, Tokyo Ghoul, Macross Frontier
Music: Calvin Harris - Pray to God (feat. HAIM)

Coup de Grace


New videos THROWBACK Thursday, 12 February 2015

Author's comment: YAY!!! I LOVE YU YU HAKUSHO!!! This vid took me way longer than it should but oh well :3 

Author: BecauseImBored1
Anime: Yu Yu Hakusho
Music: Shinedown - Diamond eyes



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