
Exam videos
New videos Ninja Re Bang Bang Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Author's comment: Ninjya Re Bang Bang Ononoki Yotsugi ver Yey!

Author: Unlimited Rulebook
Anime: Monogatari Series
Music: Kyary Pamyu Pamyu - Ninja Re Bang Bang

Ninja Re Bang Bang


Contests Winners of CreaRetro 2015 Monday, 12 October 2015

Best video overall
1 place - UFец - Nocturne (50 points) [Download]
2 place - Uniquevil - Chase the Dream (47 points) [Download]
3 place - Madfield - Nightmare (40 points) [Download]
4 place - i_love_tea - Petula Clark - song tape (36 points) [Download]
5 place - MIBIHA - Souls of Pain (31 points) [Download]
6 place - Shep - Endless Night (28 points) [Download]
7 place - Freeman-47 - Tom & Jerry VS System of a Down (part 2) (19 points) [Download]
7 place - Norlack - Retro-Step-Up (19 points) [Download]


Contests Announcing AKROSS Con 2015 Sunday, 11 October 2015

AKROSS project officially announces 14th International AMV Contest "AKROSS Con 2015"! The event will be held from October 2015 to January 2016. 

Visit main page of the contest for concept and registration. Registration deadline is December 10th, submission deadline (approximately) - December 15th.

To discuss the contest, visit the official forum.


New videos Blue Spring Sunday, 11 October 2015

Contest video of Souls Team IC 11

Author's comment: Such an original title. :D My goodness, it's been so long since I last edited. DX Though I am super proud of myself for finishing it in 72 hours. P.S. I'm late in uploading this cause I went back and fixed up some dodgy masks/camera movements/lip flap/bad quality scenes (except there's still like 34857345 glitches I can no longer be bothered to fix - just pretend you can't see them) and also added a few touchups. If you want to see the difference between this and the original I submitted to the competition, you can DL the original here:

Author: AimoAio
Anime: Ao Haru Ride
Music: Phoebe Ryan – Mine

Blue Spring


New videos AwwKward Saturday, 10 October 2015

Author's comment: This has been a rather slow year for me on the AMV front and for that I apologize. I had all these big plans for new comedy videos for Otakon and such, and then I got a job in the industry, had to move back to LA and lost about half of my year (not that I am complaining lol ). I really wanted to get my act together for AWA Pro though, and so I made this video in a few weeks. Unfortunately I ran out of time and the version I submitted to Pro was a little less polished than I wanted it to be. But as soon as I got back I cleaned it up. And that's the version you see here. I really wanted to try tackling the romance genre again as I was unhappy with what I achieved with Maybe. Since this was the first AMV I have done in premiere that hasn't been under a crazy tight deadline I really wanted to explore the dynamic link between Premiere and After Effects, and experiment with motion and FXs to find the perfect balance between too crazy and just crazy enough. I think I succeeded and I am really proud of this video as a whole. I have a few more videos up my sleeve for the end of the year, and lots planned for next! Thanks for Watching!!

Author: VivifxAMV
Anime: Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-Kun
Music: The Gregory Brothers - Herp De Derp



New videos Runaway girls in love Thursday, 08 October 2015

Простенький приятный M@D на персонажа Сенгоку Надеко. Приятного просмотра.

Author: Aru
Anime: Bakemonogatari, Nisemonogatari, Monogatari Series:Second Season, Original animation
Music: 相対性理論 - 学級崩壊

Theory of relativity class collapse - Runaway girls in love


Contests CreaRetro 2015 Finalists Wednesday, 07 October 2015

New videos Just Do It! Wednesday, 07 October 2015

Yooooo! So here's my clip for the local con we had. It's a follow up/sequel to Don't Do it!
The story is pretty much the same as Don't Do it. Hopefully you'll enjoy and maybe even get a couple laughs. I did have trouble with some scenes and IMO it could have been better in some places but there's not much that i can do about it now xD. Enjoy!

Author: Breaker
Anime: Gintama , Nisekoi, Danmachi, Sket Dance, Date A Live
Music: Block B - Her

Just Do It!


New videos Souls Connect Tuesday, 06 October 2015

Author's comment: Warning: Spoilers ahead for those who haven't watched Naruto: The Last. This thing here is my way of expressing my broken feels and ruined soul. This movie made me weep and actually tOLERATE romance. So this is a tribute to it. Enjoy! :D And lel, I actually edited NaruHina.

Author: Azexous
Anime: Naruto, Naruto Shippūden, Naruto Shippūden: Kizuna, Naruto Shippuden The Movie: The Last
Music: Les Friction - Come Back To Me (Feat. Emily Valentine), Helios - Every Hair On Your Head 

Souls Connect


New videos Phantom Reminiscence Monday, 05 October 2015

Author's comment: I was in the midst of struggling to come up with a video for NDK '15, and Yue sends me the list of sources for the NDK Iron Chef event, Dusk Maiden of Amnesia being one of them. I watched the first 5 episodes required for the IC, got totally hooked, and therefore binged the rest of it the same day. :p The basic premise of the show is that one day the main character (Teiichi) stumbles across Yuuko, a ghost that wanders one of his school's old buildings, and has lost her memories of her past life. For the video, it's all from the Teichii's point of view, reflecting back on their relationship, and their journey to regain her memories. The video in itself is very spoilerifc (sorry), but I hope it gets some people interested in watching the show, because I absolutely adore it.

Thanks a bunch to Reigna, Kisanzi, and Radical_Yue for beta testing for me multiple times, and providing me with a ton of great feedback! Couldn't have finished this without you guys.

Author: Aerialesque
Anime: Tasogare Otome x Amnesia
Music: Starset - Dark On Me

Phantom Reminiscence


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