AMV - Клипы

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🅱usty 🅱oat 🅿arty (������ ��� ������)

The 🛥️ intent 🛥️ is 🛥️ to 🛥️ provide 🛥️ moe 🛥️ girls 🛥️ with 🛥️ a 🛥️ sense 🛥️ of 🛥️ pride 🛥️ and 🛥️ accomplishment 🛥️ for 🛥️ riding 🛥️ on 🛥️ a 🛥️ boat. 🛥️ As 🛥️ for 🛥️ this 🛥️ video, 🛥️ we 🛥️ selected 🛥️ specific 🛥️ scenes 🛥️ based 🛥️ upon 🛥️ data 🛥️ that 🛥️ would 🛥️ ensure 🛥️ viewers 🛥️ would 🛥️ want 🛥️ to 🛥️ rip 🛥️ their 🛥️ eyes 🛥️ out 🛥️ after 🛥️ watching 🛥️ this 🛥️ video. 🛥️ Among 🛥️ other 🛥️ things, 🛥️ we're 🛥️ looking 🛥️ at 🛥️ average 🛥️ eyes 🛥️ ripped 🛥️ out 🛥️ in 🛥️ order 🛥️ to 🛥️ ensure 🛥️ that 🛥️ we 🛥️ can 🛥️ successfully 🛥️ summon 🛥️ Cthulhu🛥️ as 🛥️ a 🛥️ cute 🛥️ anime 🛥️ school 🛥️ girl. 🛥️ We 🛥️ appreciate 🛥️ the 🛥️ candid 🛥️ feedback 🛥️ and 🛥️ the 🛥️ passion 🛥️ the 🛥️ community 🛥️ has 🛥️ put 🛥️ forth 🛥️ around 🛥️ the 🛥️ current 🛥️ topics 🛥️ here 🛥️ on 🛥️ AMVnews 🛥️ and 🛥️ across 🛥️ numerous 🛥️ social 🛥️ media 🛥️ outlets. Our 🛥️ team 🛥️ will 🛥️ continue 🛥️ to 🛥️ make 🛥️ changes 🛥️ and 🛥️ monitor 🛥️ community 🛥️ feedback 🛥️ and 🛥️ update 🛥️ everyone 🛥️ as 🛥️ soon 🛥️ and 🛥️ as 🛥️ often 🛥️ as 🛥️ we 🛥️ can. 🛥️

Аниме: A Place Further Than the Universe, Monster Musume, The Devil Is a Part-Timer!, Kuroko's Basketball Season 3, Osomatsu-san Season 2, SpONgebOB SqUArEPanTS
Музыка: The Lonely Island - I'm On A Boat

🅱usty 🅱oat 🅿arty

🅱usty 🅱oat 🅿arty

🅱usty 🅱oat 🅿arty

🅱usty 🅱oat 🅿arty

🅱usty 🅱oat 🅿arty

Автор клипа PaNTSU oF d00m
Дата создания 16.04.2018
Номер версии 0

PaNTSU | 21.04.2018 10:14