
Exam videos
New videos Waiting for you Friday, 25 December 2015

Author's comment: After the presentation of my AMV “Lovers Out”, I started thinking about creating a similar drama AMV. The idea of this AMV came to me suddenly, when I was talking with my friend via skype; at some moment in our conversation, we started answering each other with some special sentences. After our talk, a sentence, which I had not mentioned in our conversation, got stuck in my head; “If you love something... set it free. If it comes back... then it is yours". Then, in order to get a more complete picture of what I wanted to do, I found the music (the process didn't take a lot of time from me, as I used this algorithm “Eden Team IC6> Song Pack> Easy”), which might be not be the most motivating and inspiring one. However, my intention was to capture the attention of the audience more on my special phrase rather than on music. After that, I watched “Nisekoi”, an anime, which is more comedic than romantic, and found scenes that could possibly help me, and the rest of the work was formed in my head. Then I talked about my idea with Kurata, who immediately gave his support, thus becoming the first person to support me in making this AMV. I am thankful to all people who helped me to do this work: Kuruta, madaraxD, Luna, TritioAFB (to each of them I wanted to say thank you, so I mentioned them in the end of my AMV). This AMV is dedicated to Naru Miyasudokoro, the person to whom I am very thankful for doing work that is sometimes complicated for me (a complete translation of the story in English). I hope that you will like this AMV and enjoy it at least for one time. I have nothing more to say, so once again I hope you will enjoy it. My aim was to highlight the difference of this AMV from the other ones made on the same anime, and I hope this objective has been achieved and I was able to make a sentimental drama AMV using Nisekoi.
A big salute to ZEVS1993, Hinata 1495 and Dieguito. And to all others who are mentioned, I wish you a great 2015!!!
Thanks to DarknessTheWarrior for translating this comment into English.
Thanks to Joskua for translating into English my credits and messages.

Author: xDeuz
Anime: Nisekoi
Music: Christina Perri - A Thousand Years

Waiting for you


Site news A New Year reminder Thursday, 24 December 2015

Let us remind you that you still have 6 days to join us in creation of collective New Year greeting and add your part to the festive moods! Creative works of any kind are accepted by Turbo or Minstrel till December the 30th via PM.





New videos D1St0pia Wednesday, 23 December 2015

Комментарий Dn@: Yow, je dépoussière mon compte du fofo pour poster ce MEP qui aurait dût sortir en avril dernier mais pour cause de problème de force majeure une track a été décalée/jamais finie par ce bon vieux creed bléssé au combat qu'on remercie quand même énormément malgré tout il aura éssaié pas mal de versions sans inspi, ce qui fait qu'on a finalement eu cette track cette semaine finie par Hayden.
Bwerf à la base un projet d'une semaine pré-clips JE, mais avec quand même pas mal de boulot dedans la musique pour les plus anciens vous rappellera celle d'un bon vieux mep Fr de 2007, au final on l'a clippé sans scrupules mais n'y voyez rien de provoc' là dedans ou d'envie de remake, c'était plus sur le coup dans une converse skype le son est sorti et on étaient bien inspirés.
Pour finir la description on devrait normalement sortir de notre période d'hibernation post-JE dans le mois à venir mais ne nous brusquez pas vous savez on est vieux et on passe beaucoup de temps sur league of legend

Author: AMVLuna, Madao, Hayden, JazzsVids, Dn@, Redrum, Fadoo-sama
Anime: Nanatsu no taizai, Umineko no naku koro ni, Nekomonogatari, Hanamonogatari, Persona 4, Noragami, Zetsuen no tempest, Steins;Gate, Paris in motion live, Zankyou no terror, Sakasama no Patema, Sky Crawlers
Music: Gabriela Robin - Torukia, Of Porcelain Vs Garbage - Shut Your Signal (REDROSID mashup)



New videos TRANS Wednesday, 23 December 2015

Hi Hi Everyone! Video made for Aeon Speedprof IC in the psycho--horror category, I had so much fun editing this video, I wanted to edit a psychdelic amv like a trance or something similar. Hope you like it.

Author: Z0rek
Anime: Monogatari Series
Music: Gesaffelstein - Trans



New videos Feel the Flame Tuesday, 22 December 2015

Author's comment: I couldn't get this song out of my head so I decided to make a video with it This is VERY different from what I usually do, and is probably my first attempt at making an actual decent upbeat video so I hope you guys like it.
So this was going to be a depressing video, with a different show and song of course, since my depression was kicking me in the butt this week, but I decided to try and upbeat to see which type of editing helps the most. Turns out, it is about equal xD
Funfact: This singer is currently the girlfriend of Mary Lambert, who is a song artist I adore, SO THERE ARE TECHNICALLY YURI ELEMENTS INVOLVED IN THSI VIDEO :DDD
I decided to try and make an upbeat romance video. Not sure if I succeeded or not, but I had a lot of fun XD

Author: Xophilarus
Anime: Ore Monogatari!!
Music: Michelle Chamuel - Face The Fire

Feel the Flame


New videos Abstraction Monday, 21 December 2015

Contest video of AKROSS Con 2015

Комментарий авторов: Yop! Here is our video for this Akross. Reach found this music and we both wanted to edit it. Moreover it was clip is parallel for the attack in Paris, so we decided to do a story that much closer to this tragedy. During the realization of this video we were both very invested, there were often Skype calls and this is, I think, in that we learned to work together. It was really a good experience even if it was rather hard to treat the subject and if we can do it again, we will do without hesitation. Hopefully this video please everyone!

Author: Nono, Reach
Anime: Tokyo Ghoul, K Project, Zankyou no Terror, Attack on Titan, Gantz, Aldnoah.Zero, Fate/stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works, Death Note, Akame ga Kill!, Rainbow, High School of the Dead, Kyoukai no Kanata
Music: Zella Day - East of Eden



New videos Mc Force Friday, 18 December 2015

Mc Force is a action MEP from the german AMV community amvde. We started working mid November. Picking a Star Wars song, our goal was for this MEP to be released simultaneously with the new Star Wars movie. The name Mc Force is an abbreviation for Mecha Force. Please enjoy!

Author: Cenit, ceddic, Noss, VideoBeats, pic4arts
Anime: Eureka Seven: AO, Aldnoah.Zero, Star Driver, Cross Ange, Code Geass: Akito the Exiled,
Music: Star Wars - Binary Suns (Coyote Kisses Remix)

Mc Force


New videos Take your way Thursday, 17 December 2015

Официальный клип на песню Take your way (опенинг сериала  Devil Survivor 2). Videoряд от студии NAZ (ей же принадлежит дизайн персонажей для аниме), режиссер - Fantasista Utamaro (Kotobukisun).

Author: Kotobukisun
Anime: Original animation
Music: Fukase - Take your way

Take your way


New videos The Experiment Monday, 14 December 2015

Contest video of AKROSS Con 2015

Author's comment: Hi everyone.

Author: Fury
Anime: Kuuchuu Buranko (Trapeze), Ergo Proxy, Corpse Party, Shiki, Tokyo Ghoul, Tokyo Ghoul A, Steins Gate, Kara no Kyoukai, Iseki Shuichi Yoshizaki Girl, Shikabane Hime Kuro, Garei Zero, Code Geass, Vampire Knight Guilty, Me Me Me, Prison School, Fate Stay Night, Zankyou no Terror, Tokyo Ravens, Log Horizon, Blood C, Blood C The Movie, Gangsta, Pyscho Pass, Dusk Maiden of Amnesia, Puella Madoka Magica, Another, Mirai Nikki
Music: Zack Hemsey - Nice to Meet Me (Instrumental), Percival & Marcin Przybyłowicz - Silver for Monsters

The Experiment


New videos Письмо Saturday, 12 December 2015

Contest video of AKROSS Con 2015

English lyrics (translation) for non-russian speakers.

Author: Darksss 73
Anime: Nerawareta Gakuen, Byousoku 5 Centimeter, Kuuchuu_Buranko, Kiseijuu - Sei no Kakuritsu, Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata, The Japan Animator Expo, Otona Joshi no Anime Time, Amazing Nuts, Kumo no Mukou, Yakusoku no Basho,Sword Art Online, Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso, Mekakucity Actors, Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magika, Gankutsuo, Glasslip, Rozen Maiden, Clannad,Samurai Flamenco, SoniAni - SUPER SONICO, Vietnam Noi Bai Kuukou, Fractale, Mouryou no Hako, Dakara Boku wa H ga Dekinai, Hyouka, Blood - C, Shinsekai Yori, Code Geass, Nagi no Asukara
Music: Сплин - Письмо



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