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In Extremis 25.02.2014

AlchemistEskimo (Novice) (Предыдущие работы / Previous works): Level Up was an experience that ruined my sleeping pattern and pushed my editing to a point that I'm very satisfied with! I honestly couldn't have asked for a better pro and this video wouldn't have been possible without her input. Centurione helped me develop concepts and helped me refine my video with her super detailed beta tests. The amount of bases she covered was overwhelming in the best way possible, bringing things to light that had never even crossed my mind. I can't thank her enough for taking the time to help me progress as an editor. This is my first proper attempt at a crossover and through the video I wanted to convey the idea of all actions having a consequence as well as drawing upon my love for science fiction stories (more specifically time travel).

The general story is that Kiritsugu finds himself working for a mysterious organization who are based in an alternate future. They deliver him information on targets that he is required to kill via an old computer that links both periods of time. Every single person he needs to eliminate will in the future do things that effect this organization thus meaning when they are killed in kiritsugu's time the things that person was going to do never transpire. From here kiritsugu gradually becomes mentally unhinged sending his mind into a very dark and dangerous place.

Centurione (Pro): I really enjoyed working with AlchemistEskimo and I think he did a very good job on the video. I have to admit I found him to be a pretty good editor from the start and I wished not to interfere too much into his style while helping him with the video. But in the end, I'm glad of the whole effort he's put into it.

Now, a fun fact about my novices: both of them decided to use Fate/Zero with Kiritsugu being forced to kill by someone and I didn't do anything to push them to go this way with their videos. It was a pure coincidence which I actually found quite funny :D. Anyway, go and enjoy the video, guys!

Аниме: Fate/Zero, Kara no Kyoukai, Berserk Movie 3, Death Billards, Durarara!, Eden of the East, Fullmetal Aclehmist Brotherhood, The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya, Rebuild of Evangelion, Hellsing Ultimate, Black Lagoon, Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica, Steins;Gate, Another, Kill Bill, Tekkon Kinkreet, Canaan, Aoi Bungaku, Death Note
Музыка: Cellestial Fires - Night Verses, Singularity - Northlane

In Extremis

Comments: 29 |  Rating: 3.643.64
Author: AlchemistEskimo

Female Titan 21.02.2014

Клип участник конкурса AKROSS Con 2013

Комментарий автора: Referencing Pacific Rim and Shingeki no Kyoujin, I tried to create an alternate EVA story where Shinji has to face something much more terrifying than angels. I mean she eats people AND pokes your eyes out. It started as a joke, so there was never any intention to make this the ultimate crossover, though I tried to get the most out of what I had. The first 20 or so seconds were mostly animated in AE (using Element 3D) and took more than a month, or 80% of the production time.

Аниме: Evanglion: 1.11 You Are (Not) Alone, Evangelion: 2.22 You Can (Not) Advance, Bakemonogatari, Nisemonogatari, Vividred Operation
Музыка: TNGHT - Higher Ground (Lets Be Friends Re-Amp)

Female Titan

Comments: 33 |  Rating: 3.653.65
Author: Kvakond

Supplicium 20.02.2014

PЯIDE (Novice) (Предыдущие работы / Previous works): First of all shout out to this flawless human being for sticking with me untill the very end of this project because the Gods know how annoying I can be.It was an immense honour to work along with someone who I admire and I'm truly grateful for her support and infinite patience.

The main point of this video was to portray Saber as a merciless servant that would do anything to get the holy grail all to herself. Born in a time of chaos and war she's grown to be greedy for power, killing everyone who would stand in her way and consequently achieving nothing but piles of corpses of her enemies as well of those who blindly followed her in every step she took as a king. And so, summoned to the Holy Grail War she sees a chance to get power in her hands again willing to do whatever it takes to conquer what she desires even if it means playing a risky game with other people's and her own life at stake once more.

Centurione (Pro): I'm really glad this cutest derp ever asked me to be her pro. I really enjoyed working with her and really liked her as a person. About her editing and working on the video: I feel she has a much greater potential but she needs time to show it and I really hope this is not the end of her improvements. I only regret I didn't learn how to use AE so that I could help her with that, since I barely use it for my videos myself ^^'. Anyway, I'm really glad with the work Pride has done and I hope you enjoy it!

Аниме: Fate/Zero, Fate/Stay Night, Mayo Chiki, Kingdom S2, Nisemonogatari, Kara no Kyoukai, Shingeki no Kyojin, Berserk - Golden Age, Maoyuu Maou Yuusha, Fullmetal Alchemist, Sword of the Stranger, Fate Kaleid Liner Prisma Ilya
Музыка: Florence + The Machine - Seven Devils


Comments: 67 |  Rating: 4.244.24
Author: PЯIDE

Through to you 17.02.2014

Caps Lock (Novice): Не знаю даже с чего начать... Начнем с того, что я ленивая задница, и мне было немного трудновато по началу. Спасибо KSANDR'у за терпение, за то, что он все таки дождался плодов своего труда, объяснял все внятно, относился к работе очень серьезно. И огромное спасибо за то, что научил меня пользоваться АЕ. Над клипом я очень старался, однако вышло не так как мы расcчитывали, но все же думаю, что оно достойно внимания.

KSANDR (Pro): Я выжил! руки - ноги на месте, пострадали только нервы и волосы :) На самом деле хочется похвалить Кэпа, потому что за 1 месяц он не только прилично освоил АЕ, но и в целом продвинулся в плане монтажа. Хочется пожелать ему дальнейшего роста, креатива, чувства стиля, чтобы не забывал то, что я ему впаривал, ну и конечно же буду ждать от него ЭПИКОВ.

Аниме: Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo
Музыка: James Arthur – Impossible

Through to you

Comments: 51 |  Rating: 3.913.91
Author: Caps Lock

Phantom of the Opera (Remastered) 13.02.2014

Ретро-AMV. Ремейк.
По ссылке
можно ознакомиться с оригинальным клипом (премьера 30 мая 1998 года)

Комментарий от Alkatraz: С удивлением не обнаружил на ресурсе одного из моих самых любимых клипов одного известного клипмейкера и более того - в сети даже не нашлось ни одного ремастера этого замечательного клипа! Не в силах выдержать несовершенство мира, закрыл я очи я сел за монтаж.
Это, конечно, не тот самый теплый ламповый монтаж с помощью двух видеомагнитофонов, а вовсе даже холодный и бездушный монтаж цифрового видеопотока в бездуховном современном видеоредакторе, но это не может помешать хорошему клипу стать еще лучше.
Приятного просмотра всем тем, кто по какому-то невероятному стечению обстоятельств пропустил этот клип и приятной ностальгии всем остальным.

Аниме: Memories - Magnetic Rose
Музыка: Harajuku - Phantom Of The Opera

Phantom of the Opera (Remastered)

Comments: 46 |  Rating: 4.014.01
Author: Kevin Caldwell

Fracture 08.02.2014

Клип участник конкурса AKROSS Con 2013

Комментарий автора:"Hurry Up, We're Dreaming" ― M83 ©

This is it! here's my submission for this year, this is my first time joining this contest and I'm really glad I was able to do it, learning how to give life to one of the craziest experimental ideas you can think of was really good fun. I enjoyed it immensely and on top of that I met some really cool people who's without support I wouldn't think this video could make it this far, so I'd like to give a huge shout-out to Umika, lolligerjoj and Dn@ and the list goes on and on for showing great great interest in my video an kept on track with it since the very start, you guys ROCK! thank you very much! and happy viewing.

Аниме: Hyouka, Hanasaku Iroha, Kyoukai no Kanata, Steins;Gate, Gekijouban Bungaku Shoujo, K-ON!, The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Tari Tari, Kami-sama No Memo-chou, 5 Centimeters Per Second, Black Rock Shooter, Guilty Crown, Denpa Onna To Seishun Otoko, Fate Zero, Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai, Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai, Kotonoha no Niwa, Magical Girl Madoka Magica, Another, Nekomonogatari, Nerawareta Gakuen, Shakugan no Shana Movie, Arata-naru Sekai - World's/Start/Load/End - Future, Ano Natsu de Matteru, Kara no Kyoukai 5: Mujun Rasen, Angel Beats!, Oda Nobuna No Yabou, Tales of Xillia, Original Animation
Музыка: M83 - Midnight City
Награды: Первый клип / Лучшая романтика / Лучшая концепция / Лучшая техника / Лучшая презентация на Akross Con 2013


Comments: 109 |  Rating: 4.584.58
Author: Gorz

Nurture 07.02.2014

Клип участник конкурса AKROSS Con 2013

Комментарий автора: R! R?
Спасибо Chono и Yuzuki за помощь!  А также художникам, нарисовавшим потрясающие арты.

Аниме: Metal Gear Series (artwork)
Музыка: Puscifer - Horizons
Награды: Лучший моушн-дизайн / Лучшие эффекты на Akross Con 2013


Comments: 75 |  Rating: 4.124.12
Author: Rebelion

TYPICAL 03.02.2014

Савако-сенсей: Разрешите одиннадцатое собрание нашего клуба лёгкой музыки считать открытым.

Аплодисменты, она отрезает себе тортик

Савако-сенсей: О состоянии дел на территории клуба лёгкой музыки расскажет президент клуба лёгкой музыки, Тайнака-сан.

Рицу на трибуне, отрезает.

Рицу: Товарищи. (Откусывает тортик.) Товарищи. В прошлом наш клуб хронически отставал, теперь он хронически обгоняет. (Тортик.) Участница ансамбля Акияма-сан снова взяла на себя, как и в прошлом году, и всё это с честью несёт. Обещала, в общем, не дожидаясь конца года. Вслед за ней участницы ансамбля Хирасава и Тайнака тоже взяли на себя: повысить самодисциплину и сократить объём потребляемых тортиков вдвое. То есть свести число потребляемых тортиков к приемлемой цифре.

Сава-чан: Ну вот, значит справитесь?

Рицу (с набитым ртом): А как же!

Сава-чан: Прекрасно. От молодёжи клуба младшая гитаристка Азуса Накано.

Над трибуной голова в неко-мими.

Азунян: Мы, молодые музыканты!.. (Отвлекается на тортик.) Мы ваша смена!.. (Тортик.) Я никогда не забуду своего учителя Юи Хирасаву. Она уже на пенсии в больнице с сахарным диабетом, но её заветы и указания по игре на гитаре она завещала нам, молодым... (Тортик.) И мы, молодые... (Тортик.) Мы, молодёжь...

Аниме: K-ON!
Музыка: Mutemath - Typical


Comments: 64 |  Rating: 3.773.77
Author: Siar Mortal

The unattainable 30.01.2014

Клип участник конкурса AKROSS Con 2013

Эмоциональная и достаточно просто рассказанная история с неожиданным финалом.

Аниме: Aku no Hana
Музыка: Slipknot - Vermilion Pt. 2 (Bloodstone Mix)

The unattainable

Comments: 39 |  Rating: 3.543.54
Author: Dilemma

The Yuri-ning 26.01.2014

Комментарий автора: Another Quickening video made in an evening. It didn't turn out like I'd planned but the scenes I wanted just didn't exist and (insert time constraints excuse here) haha.

Аниме: Mawaru Penguindrum
Музыка: Calvin Harris ft. Ellie Goulding - I Need Your Love

The Yuri-ning

Comments: 39 |  Rating: 3.843.84
Author: Ileia

Addiction for a somber doll 18.01.2014

Клип участник конкурса AKROSS Con 2013

Комментарий автора: Hii ! I come back with a new story AMV for Akross Contest, Darker than Black only! "After her death, Yin becomes a doll roaming aimlessly. One day she is saved by a young man and decides to stay with him. But the doll is darker than it seems to be."
Thanks for Watching ! ;)

Картинка Making of к клипу

Аниме: Darker than Black, Darker than Black: Ryuusei no Gemini
Музыка: Linkin Park - I'll Be Gone

Addiction for a somber doll

Comments: 44 |  Rating: 3.793.79
Author: SachaValentine

Get Off 09.01.2014

Клип участник конкурса AKROSS Con 2013

Комментарий автора: Love is logical? The otogame says yes, but maybe he was wrong.
I was very inspired to make a amv so, after make the part for Dating sim MEP ubs, for better document myself, I even played a game like this, I'd say pretty funny; The song choice is not random, I always wanted to do a video with a song by Cinema Bizarre, Get Off was the most fun of all their songs; special thanks for the beta testers who helped me to make some corrections and do not drop it, Susan, Matthew, Mary, Moki, Lety.

Аниме: Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai
Музыка: Cinema Bizarre - Get Off

Get Off

Comments: 18 |  Rating: 3.753.75
Author: BerlitzxXx

The Optimists 02.01.2014

Комментарий автора: This one's definitely different compared to my typical work. I focused on panning and smooth transitions, and in turn did the most masking I've ever done in a single video. It's a bittersweet ending for me considering the masking was all done so as not to be noticed.
I did everything in Premiere and Photoshop.

Аниме: One Piece, One Piece: Film Z, One Piece: Movie 3, One Piece: Movie 4, One Piece: Movie 5, One Piece: Movie 6, One Piece: Movie 7, One Piece: Movie 8, One Piece: Movie 9, One Piece: Strong World (Movie 10)
Музыка: Bastille - Pompeii

The Optimists

Comments: 34 |  Rating: 4.194.19
Author: Rider4Z

Not Just A Dream 24.12.2013

Клип участник конкурса AKROSS Con 2013 

Комментарий автора: When a dream comes true, it is not just a dream.
Bakuman is my favourite manga. It conveys a lot of various emotions which are, in my opinion, all mixed in a perfect way. I had already edited this anime in 2011 but it wasn't finished at that time and in 2013, I thought that I could make better. So here it is ! I think both people who know and who don't know Bakuman can be able to enjoy this video. So I hope you will!
I want to, again, give my thanks to Xieri, who drew the banner, Kain-x-spirits, Lensta and Echotrooper for their critics and in a more general way the whole Sora to Kasai, for helping me in many ways.

Аниме: Bakuman, Death Note, Kproject, Free!, Hyouka, Ef a tale of memories, One Piece, Bleach, Naruto, Persona4, Monogatari series 2nd, To aru kagaku no railgun, Code Breaker, Sword art Online, Accel World, Inu x Boku SS, The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya, Kurokami, Canaan, RWBY
Музыка: ONE OK ROCK - The Beginning

Not Just A Dream

Comments: 52 |  Rating: 4.284.28
Author: MagicDarkLight

Death Silence 06.12.2013

Клип участник конкурса AKROSS Con 2013 

It's been a while since the last Con.
Hi there. I decided to join again this year,
About this video: I had this idea of a 'meeting' between Misaki from Another and Rikka from Chuunibyou during a certain time ago, but never found the time to work in it. Although both shows are different, I prefered the horror theme and the nightmare mood. If you have rewatched previously the Prelude to Death II video, you know what I'm talking about :)
Special thanks goes to AimoAio, Kyros and CastroJimenez2 for the help in this video. Un saludo para la ZonaAMV y ojala que se mantengan los vídeos para este concurso.

Аниме: Another, Chuunibyou demo koi ga shitai!, Rozen Maiden, Dantalian no Shoka, Yojou-han Shinwa Taikei, 11 eyes, Corpse Party: Tortured Souls, Le Chevalier D'Eon, Dusk Maiden of Amnesia, C3, Gosick, Shingeki no Kyojin, Watamote, Date a Live, Suisei no Gragantia, Nisemonogatari, Original Animation
Музыка: Charlie Clouser - Dead Silence

Death Silence

Comments: 36 |  Rating: 3.793.79
Author: TritioAFB

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