
Dreams & Reality

I picked this up after a few months hiatus and made a push to get it into Bigcon. I'm sick of making overly complex videos to try and impress in contests so I went back to my roots and made something that didn't make me hate myself by the time rendering rolled around. This is a tribute to one of the greatest minds to ever work in anime, Satoshi Kon. I wanted to try and capture the wonder, intensity and abstract nature of his work. It's flawed but I'm just happy I actually enjoyed the process. Hope you enjoy!

Аниме: Paprika, Paranoia Agent, Perfect Blue, Millennium Actress, Tokyo Godfathers
Музыка: Ramzoid - Grasslands

Dreams & Reality

Dreams & Reality

Dreams & Reality

Dreams & Reality

Dreams & Reality

Dreams & Reality

Dreams & Reality

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Автор: (клип создан: 25.04.2016)
Добавил: AlchemistEskimo 26.04.2016 в 09:38
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Комментарии (33)
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SadSadKiddie   User profile
  02.06.2016 22:49
Man, that's a very well done slice/reflection of the Director's works
The AMV has captured and embraced its atmosphere and bound it by the track
redbull   User profile
  22.05.2016 13:20
под такие дабстепы надо синхрить от и до, а тут многовато халтуры. мож я чего-то не понял, хз...
VovanKoperativ   User profile  Video channel
  22.05.2016 08:22
WTF i just watched? Dat weird psychedelic, liked it
padre   User profile  Video channel
  21.05.2016 14:27
Неплохо. Мне понравилось.
5c0rp10n   User profile  Video channel
  20.05.2016 21:15
Fav video from this contest. Love it)
Animetube7   User profile  Video channel
  12.05.2016 13:47
so good man! 5
Shinzui   User profile  Video channel
  10.05.2016 09:28
pretty nice, but not something I'd watch more than once
Kvant   User profile
  10.05.2016 09:22
По моему здесь довольно типичная попытка скрыть под некоторым налётом "психоделичности" отсутствие какого-либо внятного концепта. Ну и трек, лично мне, совсем не зашел.
immikun   User profile
  03.05.2016 04:37
М/в я не понял, да и музыка уши режет, но в остальном нормально. 4
AlchemistEskimo   User profile
  02.05.2016 06:18
Thanks everyone for you comments and feedback, I really appreciate it!

lolligerjoj написал(а):
Cool yo
I enjoyed the combination of the footage and these sounds. Nice music, besides the bassline. Some sweet camerawork in there too.
Somehow though, you focused the sync on the most uninteresting rythms and ignored the cool ones, in my eyes some potential's been lost that way.
The greatest problem for me though is that the visual content is all over the place. For example there's a clip where this huge dark figure is shown and then this girl fights with her impostor right after. Where it was initally a figure of unearthly overwhelming power it is replaced by this rather earthly physical danger, (or, if you've seen the movie, even psychological conflict within herself). It's probably a natural difficulty that comes with working with Satoshi Kon's stuff. It's rather different than Miyazaki, since that guy uses the same themes over and over again...
I see I'm dragging this out... I still quite like the video, it's just that the last point is so hard to put in specifics.

This way really insightful. I'd be lying if I said the clip selection was entirely reflective of the themes in Kons work. As someone else mentioned the abruptness and visual variation of the clips was inspired by the content of his films but I agree there should have been something a little more cohesive in how the video was assembled. Kons disjointed and abstract cuts are all very purposeful but here this is obviously just a mimic so the techniques don't always properly translate. Hope this wasn't total rambling. Anyway thanks a lot for the comment, really admire your work!
Strelavkolenke   User profile
  30.04.2016 01:00
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Нормальный клип)
Слабовата динамика...
Есть проседи в некоторых моментах..
NewOvermind   User profile  Video channel
  29.04.2016 19:55
Ну переходы неплохо смотрятся, но вот более четкого обыгрыша трека явно не хватает.
ЗЫ Постер хорошо получился.
NakkiD   User profile  Video channel
  29.04.2016 18:55
Есть пару кайфовых моментов
клип состоялся
[DisOrder]   User profile
  27.04.2016 08:52
i like it
Death_Kn1ght   User profile
  26.04.2016 23:42
Да так себе работа так то.
ThalesEditions   User profile  Video channel
  26.04.2016 23:28
I really didn't like after 0:55 time, I felt like the harmony, sync and sense changed. However, this one caught my attention.
Brutal Her0^^   User profile
  26.04.2016 22:50
Понравился! С техникой все хорошо, ну а исходники огого ^^
Autumnhert   User profile
  26.04.2016 22:43
Доброго времени суток.
Либо я имею неправильное представление о психоделике, либо это не психоделика, а хорошая нарезка источника.
Здорово, но от части слишком рандомно.
Благодарю за внимание.
kebenaj   User profile  Video channel
  26.04.2016 22:32
Не очень понравилось. В силу специфики видео («нужно побольше показательно крутых переходов!»), некоторые переходы выглядят натужно. Будто автор пытается выпендриться и кому-то что-то доказать, а не творчеством заняться.
lolligerjoj   User profile  Video channel
  26.04.2016 21:24
MatthewRoy, in my opinion the sources aren't that nonlinear (if by non-linearity you mean something like non-coherence). Gotta admit I thought Paprika kinda had these moments though, that's probably why I liked that one the least from his works. Though I'm sure these moments were fabricated that way on purpose.
Weestwoood   User profile  Video channel
  26.04.2016 21:14
Я бы сказал Оригинальнинько! Интересно обыгран.
С 0.59 секундочки тянет пересматривать снова и снова.

На мою пятерочку тянет...

MatthewRoy   User profile  Video channel
  26.04.2016 20:45
lolligerjoj написал(а):

The greatest problem for me though is that the visual content is all over the place.

I see what you mean, but I don't really find this visual inconsistency out of place either

what I mean is, his works were as inconsistent as shown in this video. You could take scenes/episodes from Paprika/Paranoia Agent that if you weren't familiar with it you would hardly believe they belonged to the same film/series.
it probably doesn't work well in general for an amv, but for a tribute it seems fitting that the whole thing is as crazy and non-linear as the sources (or at least the ones that I watched)
IrenSS   User profile  Video channel
  27.04.2016 07:54
Although I didn't like the music, the visual movement was pretty nice, the camera was smooth and dynamic. Some parts, as has been mentioned, were too dark and sometimes the difference between the actual scene planes and angles was kinda messy, which made the watch a little bit bumpy at times.

But overall, it was very nice. I like Satoshi Kon's cinematography and style a lot, and I'm glad you used his works here. Good job!
lolligerjoj   User profile  Video channel
  26.04.2016 21:31
Cool yo
I enjoyed the combination of the footage and these sounds. Nice music, besides the bassline. Some sweet camerawork in there too.
Somehow though, you focused the sync on the most uninteresting rythms and ignored the cool ones, in my eyes some potential's been lost that way.
The greatest problem for me though is that the visual content is all over the place. For example there's a clip where this huge dark figure is shown and then this girl fights with her impostor right after. Where it was initally a figure of unearthly overwhelming power it is replaced by this rather earthly physical danger, (or, if you've seen the movie, even psychological conflict within herself). It's probably a natural difficulty that comes with working with Satoshi Kon's stuff. It's rather different than Miyazaki, since that guy uses the same themes over and over again...
I see I'm dragging this out... I still quite like the video, it's just that the last point is so hard to put in specifics.
MrGafudo   User profile  Video channel
  26.04.2016 19:09
sexy transitions good luck in the contest
Hoshirogi   User profile
  26.04.2016 14:42
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just because something isnt complex doesnt mean it isnt good or it can impress, great video i really dig this sync keep it up dave
Dm1try[A]   User profile
  26.04.2016 14:36
Вот именно такие клипы вдохновляют меня. Появляется желание сделать что-то подобное, это круто. Грамотный монтаж, уместные переходы. Отличный клип. 5
Changelling   User profile  Video channel
  26.04.2016 13:24
I really adore your sync!
ZoroIttoryu   User profile  Video channel
  26.04.2016 12:27
Simple and clean that's what i like
Surely one of my favorites from this year!
+1 for the cool poster
Turbo   User profile  Video channel
  26.04.2016 12:06
Классный клип! Меня порадовало )

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