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Everyday Kombat 28.10.2012

A Naruto clip with the theme of Naruto and his friends being Ninjas who fight, and in the middle of the theme I also have the Sasuke and Naruto storyline. So basically, I put pretty much the whole of Naruto in one video.

Аниме: Naruto, Naruto Shippuden
Музыка: Lostprophets - Eceryday Combat, Lostprophets - We Are Godzilla, You Are Japan

Everyday Kombat

Comments: 23 |  Rating: 3.403.40
Author: EnIgMoZz2

Akatsuki Storming Heaven 26.10.2012

Троица "сирот войны" из страны Дождя (Яхико,Конан,Нагато) и их мечты, ради которых они создают организацию Акацки и начинают гражданскую войну против узурпатора власти и тирана Ханзо. Они хотят построить "мост к миру".
Изначально песня из клипа посвящена памяти актёров и певцов, погибших в 27 лет от злоупотребления наркотиками, таких как Хит Леджер, Эми Уайнхаус и другим.

Аниме: Наруто Шиппуден
Музыка: Louna - Штурмуя небеса

Akatsuki Storming Heaven

Comments: 25 |  Rating: 3.063.06
Author: EL_Renegade

The Ballad of a Dog 25.10.2012

Комментарий автора: So this is probably my first seriously edited video. This was the first video i wanted to edit 3 years ago when i started editing, however I could not get my hands on the source footage. However once i managed to, i knew that i really wanted to do this video. When editing this, I focused on the story i wanted to recreate rather than the genre I wanted it to fit. By the end i felt I had conveyed the relationship between Saito and Louise as best i could (in the first 3 seasons. I have yet to the see the 4th but i hear its disappointing =( *sadface* ) I decided to submit it to Otakon under the romance category however it ended up in the Drama category. Boy was i nervous as hell. I had to compete with videos like Magic Eye by Shin, Tollkirsche by Warlike Swans, In terminis by galia and kitty, etc. Not to mention Otakon was my first contest that I made finalists for. Watching it up on the big screen was quite possibly one of the coolest things ever. And to my disbelief i managed to win the Drama category! That was quite the thrill for me. Anyways, i hope you enjoy the video as much as i enjoyed making it. Cheers!

Аниме: Zero no Tsukaima,  Zero no Tsukaima: Princess no Rondo,  Zero no Tsukaima: Futatsuki no Kishi
Музыка: Simple Plan - Take My Hand, Arctic Monkeys - Teddy Picker
Награды: Best Dramatic / Serious at Otakon 2012

The Ballad of a Dog

Comments: 32 |  Rating: 4.164.16
Author: RAWdangers

One more chance 24.10.2012

Праздник жизни с насилием, самоубийствами, несчастными случаями, слезами и спойлером. Работа от хандры не избавит, это точно. Видео и аудио на любителя или "под пиво потянет". Спасибо за внимание.

Аниме: GANTZ
Музыка: Asking Alexandria - Welcome

One more chance

Comments: 13 |  Rating: 2.842.84
Author: Kim

Till The World Ends 24.10.2012

Комментарий авторов: Finally, it's finished! :) SOO happy. It's been like 5 months? Jenny and I heard this song and wanted to host a mep with it. I'm extremely proud of it! I thank everybody who participated ;-; you guys are too amazing srsly and Francis did the intro on short notice. This mep required tons of patience from everybody.. especially me -stabs self- but YEAH TIS DONE NOW..SO HOPE YOU ALL ENJOY LOL XD *sobs*

Аниме: Toaru Kagaku no Railgun, To Aru Majutsu No Index, Mirai Nikki, Guilty Crown, Diebuster, Full Metal Alchemist, Macross Frontier, Katekyo Hitman Reborn, Saki, K-on, Togainu no Chi, Sora no Otoshimono, Another, C, Ef Tale of Melodies/Memories
Музыка: Till The World Ends - I See Stars

Till The World Ends

Comments: 14 |  Rating: 3.453.45
Author: Zeldaa1234

Human Nature 23.10.2012

So about 2-3 weeks ago i joined Nightfire IC S2 hosted by Re-Evolution Studios. And this was what i was able to make in 2 days (since it was in a period of time that i had alot of guests so i wasn't able to edit on some days). So, this was my submission for Nightfire IC S2, but sadly i didnt win anything ...

Аниме: One Piece: Strong World (Movie 10)
Музыка: Yellowcard - Lights and Sounds

Human Nature

Comments: 15 |  Rating: 3.163.16
Author: Zup

RBW 22.10.2012

Комментарий автора: Well this vid took me too much time.I've begun to edit it the 27th December 2006. But actually it took me so much time cause I've placed it on hold for 3-4 months and this vid almost made me to quit editing cause it was too much work. The most fucked up thing was that I had so many good ideas but when I did them in AE they sucked so I needed new ones and new ones. So overall I suck. But I'm somehow proud of this vid. I'm somehow satisfied with the shit I did. About the name RBW actually it means Red Black White it is a failed joke with RGB (red green blue). It should had been RWB but it doesn't sound that good :D.
And again a big 10x to GoodForNothing without him this vid would have never been finished. Actually he is the person who helped me most of the time and made me finish it.

Аниме: Black Lagoon
Музыка: Megaherz - Perfekte droge


Comments: 17 |  Rating: 3.093.09
Author: KnX

De:V1L 21.10.2012

I've always wanted to make a themed  AMV using Devil May Cry, for 2 reasons, because I love DmC and to put my AE knowledge to test. Enjoy! A special thanks goes to Raitshu, Iuri and Tony for the beta test n_n

Аниме: Devil May Cry (TV)
Музыка: Blue Stahli - The Pure and The Tainted, Immediate Music – Serenata Immortale


Comments: 19 |  Rating: 2.982.98
Author: goЯz

Touchin' on my 20.10.2012

Комментарий авторов: It's finally, done, our first MEP (Multi Editor Project) with all the new members! Hosting this MEP was just so much fun, especially with everyone handing in awesome parts X'3 I'd say this is our best MEP yet :O The theme was to use smexy and fanservice-y scenes, it was about time we do something like that! After all, a studio is not a studio without some smex in its repertoire ;D Enjoy the fanservice!

Аниме: Bakemonogatari, Highschool of the Dead, Kaichou wa Maid-sama, Macross Frontier,Un-Go, Mirai Nikki, Fairy Tail, kore wa zombie desu ka, Gurren Lagann, Bleach, Fairy Tail, Princess Lover, Shugo Chara,Dance in the vampire Bund
Музыка: 3OH!3 – Touchin on My

Touchin' on my

Comments: 26 |  Rating: 3.643.64

Stupid Girl 20.10.2012

Всем доброго! К созданию клипа меня подтолкнул тот факт, что на данное аниме не так много AMV, постарался также сделать небольшой сюжет, понятный зрителю, который не знаком с исходником, а не просто экшн (сюжет слабее моих предыдущих работ). В данный работе я хотел подтянуть динамику и синхру, исправить ошибки прошлых работ, также я решил делать этот целиком в АЕ, до этого был Вегас. Всем приятного просмотра )
P.S Спасибо всем, кто помог ценным советом.

Аниме: Bakuretsu Tenshi
Музыка: Cold - Stupid Girl

Stupid Girl

Comments: 15 |  Rating: 3.223.22
Author: Daniskin

For of you 19.10.2012

Про любовь, ненависть и жизнь.

Аниме: Mugen no Juunin
Музыка: Dead by April - Stronger

For of you

Comments: 14 |  Rating: 2.362.36
Author: Darksss 73

Песня про школу 18.10.2012

Всем кто учится или уже закончил школу. Посвящается... Хотел сделать к 1 сентября, но было много дел, так что закончил на днях, но лучше поздно, чем никогда. И ещё, это же пародия, так что не надо писать в комментах всякую хрень.

Аниме: Beelzebub
Музыка: Сборная Днепропетровска - Папа помог сыну с уроками (КВН)

Песня про школу

Comments: 19 |  Rating: 2.992.99
Author: Varlonec

Don't Stop 18.10.2012

Осторожно, спойлеры!
Клип посвящен нескольким персонажам аниме  Fate / Zero. Настоятельно рекомендуется посмотреть сериал прежде, чем приступать к просмотру клипа. 

Аниме: Fate/Zero (TV)
Музыка: Papercut Massacre – Lose My Life

Don't Stop

Comments: 24 |  Rating: 3.803.80
Author: kazuko90

Set Fire to the Rain 17.10.2012

Давольно долго делала этот клип. Так сказать небольшой level up для меня (по сравнению с предыдущим клипом). Училась в нем синхрить и т.д... Что касается сюжета, то тут я больно не заморачивалась, уделяла больше внимания технике (старалась уделять). В целом ожидаю полезную для меня критику, которая ясно откроет мне глаза на мои ошибки. )

Аниме: Guilty Crown
Музыка: Adele vs. Skrillex -- Set Fire the Rain

Set Fire to the Rain

Comments: 34 |  Rating: 3.913.91
Author: Amy Lee

Dreams 17.10.2012

Hey guys. This AMV is one of my best so far, and because of that, I wanted to show it. I have been using 4 days on it, the anime is 5 centimeters per second (Movie).
When you see it. Sit back and relax. I'll hope you enjoy it. :-)

Аниме: 5 centimeters per second
Музыка: Jason Walker - Echo


Comments: 8 |  Rating: 3.043.04
Author: Zin3FX

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