AMV - Videos


Ironic Distance ( )

Hi :3 I started this video in October 2015 aiming to make a tribute video to Samurai Champloo, after hearing that the studio Manglobe had to file for bankruptcy. I made a few animations from while to while and finished it a few weeks ago.
Now you could ask yourself why this video is called Ironic Distance and why that stupid editor edited weed at some part.
I think one can find some self irony in the anime too and maybe not to take oneself too serious is always a good advice.

Slash: "We are just kids editing Chinese cartoons"

Аниме: Samurai Champloo, artworks
Музыка: Pretty Lights - Try To Remember

Ironic Distance

Ironic Distance

Ironic Distance

Ironic Distance

Ironic Distance

Author VideoBeats
Creation date 10.04.2016
Version 0

VideoBeats | 20.04.2016 21:46